'use strict'; // Last time updated: 2019-06-15 4:26:11 PM UTC // _________________________ // RTCMultiConnection v3.6.9 // Open-Sourced: https://github.com/muaz-khan/RTCMultiConnection // -------------------------------------------------- // Muaz Khan - www.MuazKhan.com // MIT License - www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/licence // -------------------------------------------------- var RTCMultiConnection = function(roomid, forceOptions) { var isNegotiating = false; var browserFakeUserAgent = 'Fake/5.0 (FakeOS) AppleWebKit/123 (KHTML, like Gecko) Fake/12.3.4567.89 Fake/123.45'; (function(that) { if (!that) { return; } if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof global === 'undefined') { return; } global.navigator = { userAgent: browserFakeUserAgent, getUserMedia: function() {} }; if (!global.console) { global.console = {}; } if (typeof global.console.debug === 'undefined') { global.console.debug = global.console.info = global.console.error = global.console.log = global.console.log || function() { console.log(arguments); }; } if (typeof document === 'undefined') { /*global document:true */ that.document = {}; document.createElement = document.captureStream = document.mozCaptureStream = function() { var obj = { getContext: function() { return obj; }, play: function() {}, pause: function() {}, drawImage: function() {}, toDataURL: function() { return ''; } }; return obj; }; document.addEventListener = document.removeEventListener = that.addEventListener = that.removeEventListener = function() {}; that.HTMLVideoElement = that.HTMLMediaElement = function() {}; } if (typeof io === 'undefined') { that.io = function() { return { on: function(eventName, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (eventName === 'connect') { callback(); } }, emit: function(eventName, data, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (eventName === 'open-room' || eventName === 'join-room') { callback(true, data.sessionid, null); } } }; }; } if (typeof location === 'undefined') { /*global location:true */ that.location = { protocol: 'file:', href: '', hash: '', origin: 'self' }; } if (typeof screen === 'undefined') { /*global screen:true */ that.screen = { width: 0, height: 0 }; } if (typeof URL === 'undefined') { /*global screen:true */ that.URL = { createObjectURL: function() { return ''; }, revokeObjectURL: function() { return ''; } }; } /*global window:true */ that.window = global; })(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : null); function SocketConnection(connection, connectCallback) { function isData(session) { return !session.audio && !session.video && !session.screen && session.data; } var parameters = ''; parameters += '?userid=' + connection.userid; parameters += '&sessionid=' + connection.sessionid; parameters += '&msgEvent=' + connection.socketMessageEvent; parameters += '&socketCustomEvent=' + connection.socketCustomEvent; parameters += '&autoCloseEntireSession=' + !!connection.autoCloseEntireSession; if (connection.session.broadcast === true) { parameters += '&oneToMany=true'; } parameters += '&maxParticipantsAllowed=' + connection.maxParticipantsAllowed; if (connection.enableScalableBroadcast) { parameters += '&enableScalableBroadcast=true'; parameters += '&maxRelayLimitPerUser=' + (connection.maxRelayLimitPerUser || 2); } parameters += '&extra=' + JSON.stringify(connection.extra || {}); if (connection.socketCustomParameters) { parameters += connection.socketCustomParameters; } try { io.sockets = {}; } catch (e) {}; if (!connection.socketURL) { connection.socketURL = '/'; } if (connection.socketURL.substr(connection.socketURL.length - 1, 1) != '/') { // connection.socketURL = 'https://domain.com:9001/'; throw '"socketURL" MUST end with a slash.'; } if (connection.enableLogs) { if (connection.socketURL == '/') { console.info('socket.io url is: ', location.origin + '/'); } else { console.info('socket.io url is: ', connection.socketURL); } } try { connection.socket = io(connection.socketURL + parameters); } catch (e) { connection.socket = io.connect(connection.socketURL + parameters, connection.socketOptions); } var mPeer = connection.multiPeersHandler; connection.socket.on('extra-data-updated', function(remoteUserId, extra) { if (!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) return; connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra = extra; connection.onExtraDataUpdated({ userid: remoteUserId, extra: extra }); updateExtraBackup(remoteUserId, extra); }); function updateExtraBackup(remoteUserId, extra) { if (!connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId]) { connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId] = { userid: remoteUserId, extra: {} }; } connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId].extra = extra; } function onMessageEvent(message) { if (message.remoteUserId != connection.userid) return; if (connection.peers[message.sender] && connection.peers[message.sender].extra != message.message.extra) { connection.peers[message.sender].extra = message.extra; connection.onExtraDataUpdated({ userid: message.sender, extra: message.extra }); updateExtraBackup(message.sender, message.extra); } if (message.message.streamSyncNeeded && connection.peers[message.sender]) { var stream = connection.streamEvents[message.message.streamid]; if (!stream || !stream.stream) { return; } var action = message.message.action; if (action === 'ended' || action === 'inactive' || action === 'stream-removed') { if (connection.peersBackup[stream.userid]) { stream.extra = connection.peersBackup[stream.userid].extra; } connection.onstreamended(stream); return; } var type = message.message.type != 'both' ? message.message.type : null; if (typeof stream.stream[action] == 'function') { stream.stream[action](type); } return; } if (message.message === 'dropPeerConnection') { connection.deletePeer(message.sender); return; } if (message.message.allParticipants) { if (message.message.allParticipants.indexOf(message.sender) === -1) { message.message.allParticipants.push(message.sender); } message.message.allParticipants.forEach(function(participant) { mPeer[!connection.peers[participant] ? 'createNewPeer' : 'renegotiatePeer'](participant, { localPeerSdpConstraints: { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }, remotePeerSdpConstraints: { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.session.oneway ? !!connection.session.audio : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.session.oneway ? !!connection.session.video || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }, isOneWay: !!connection.session.oneway || connection.direction === 'one-way', isDataOnly: isData(connection.session) }); }); return; } if (message.message.newParticipant) { if (message.message.newParticipant == connection.userid) return; if (!!connection.peers[message.message.newParticipant]) return; mPeer.createNewPeer(message.message.newParticipant, message.message.userPreferences || { localPeerSdpConstraints: { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }, remotePeerSdpConstraints: { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.session.oneway ? !!connection.session.audio : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.session.oneway ? !!connection.session.video || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }, isOneWay: !!connection.session.oneway || connection.direction === 'one-way', isDataOnly: isData(connection.session) }); return; } if (message.message.readyForOffer) { if (connection.attachStreams.length) { connection.waitingForLocalMedia = false; } if (connection.waitingForLocalMedia) { // if someone is waiting to join you // make sure that we've local media before making a handshake setTimeout(function() { onMessageEvent(message); }, 1); return; } } if (message.message.newParticipationRequest && message.sender !== connection.userid) { if (connection.peers[message.sender]) { connection.deletePeer(message.sender); } var userPreferences = { extra: message.extra || {}, localPeerSdpConstraints: message.message.remotePeerSdpConstraints || { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }, remotePeerSdpConstraints: message.message.localPeerSdpConstraints || { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.session.oneway ? !!connection.session.audio : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.session.oneway ? !!connection.session.video || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }, isOneWay: typeof message.message.isOneWay !== 'undefined' ? message.message.isOneWay : !!connection.session.oneway || connection.direction === 'one-way', isDataOnly: typeof message.message.isDataOnly !== 'undefined' ? message.message.isDataOnly : isData(connection.session), dontGetRemoteStream: typeof message.message.isOneWay !== 'undefined' ? message.message.isOneWay : !!connection.session.oneway || connection.direction === 'one-way', dontAttachLocalStream: !!message.message.dontGetRemoteStream, connectionDescription: message, successCallback: function() {} }; connection.onNewParticipant(message.sender, userPreferences); return; } if (message.message.changedUUID) { if (connection.peers[message.message.oldUUID]) { connection.peers[message.message.newUUID] = connection.peers[message.message.oldUUID]; delete connection.peers[message.message.oldUUID]; } } if (message.message.userLeft) { mPeer.onUserLeft(message.sender); if (!!message.message.autoCloseEntireSession) { connection.leave(); } return; } mPeer.addNegotiatedMessage(message.message, message.sender); } connection.socket.on(connection.socketMessageEvent, onMessageEvent); var alreadyConnected = false; connection.socket.resetProps = function() { alreadyConnected = false; }; connection.socket.on('connect', function() { if (alreadyConnected) { return; } alreadyConnected = true; if (connection.enableLogs) { console.info('socket.io connection is opened.'); } setTimeout(function() { connection.socket.emit('extra-data-updated', connection.extra); }, 1000); if (connectCallback) { connectCallback(connection.socket); } }); connection.socket.on('disconnect', function(event) { connection.onSocketDisconnect(event); }); connection.socket.on('error', function(event) { connection.onSocketError(event); }); connection.socket.on('user-disconnected', function(remoteUserId) { if (remoteUserId === connection.userid) { return; } connection.onUserStatusChanged({ userid: remoteUserId, status: 'offline', extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra || {} : {} }); connection.deletePeer(remoteUserId); }); connection.socket.on('user-connected', function(userid) { if (userid === connection.userid) { return; } connection.onUserStatusChanged({ userid: userid, status: 'online', extra: connection.peers[userid] ? connection.peers[userid].extra || {} : {} }); }); connection.socket.on('closed-entire-session', function(sessionid, extra) { connection.leave(); connection.onEntireSessionClosed({ sessionid: sessionid, userid: sessionid, extra: extra }); }); connection.socket.on('userid-already-taken', function(useridAlreadyTaken, yourNewUserId) { connection.onUserIdAlreadyTaken(useridAlreadyTaken, yourNewUserId); }); connection.socket.on('logs', function(log) { if (!connection.enableLogs) return; console.debug('server-logs', log); }); connection.socket.on('number-of-broadcast-viewers-updated', function(data) { connection.onNumberOfBroadcastViewersUpdated(data); }); connection.socket.on('set-isInitiator-true', function(sessionid) { if (sessionid != connection.sessionid) return; connection.isInitiator = true; }); } function MultiPeers(connection) { var self = this; var skipPeers = ['getAllParticipants', 'getLength', 'selectFirst', 'streams', 'send', 'forEach']; connection.peers = { getLength: function() { var numberOfPeers = 0; for (var peer in this) { if (skipPeers.indexOf(peer) == -1) { numberOfPeers++; } } return numberOfPeers; }, selectFirst: function() { var firstPeer; for (var peer in this) { if (skipPeers.indexOf(peer) == -1) { firstPeer = this[peer]; } } return firstPeer; }, getAllParticipants: function(sender) { var allPeers = []; for (var peer in this) { if (skipPeers.indexOf(peer) == -1 && peer != sender) { allPeers.push(peer); } } return allPeers; }, forEach: function(callbcak) { this.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { callbcak(connection.peers[participant]); }); }, send: function(data, remoteUserId) { var that = this; if (!isNull(data.size) && !isNull(data.type)) { if (connection.enableFileSharing) { self.shareFile(data, remoteUserId); return; } if (typeof data !== 'string') { data = JSON.stringify(data); } } if (data.type !== 'text' && !(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) && !(data instanceof DataView)) { TextSender.send({ text: data, channel: this, connection: connection, remoteUserId: remoteUserId }); return; } if (data.type === 'text') { data = JSON.stringify(data); } if (remoteUserId) { var remoteUser = connection.peers[remoteUserId]; if (remoteUser) { if (!remoteUser.channels.length) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].createDataChannel(); connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId); setTimeout(function() { that.send(data, remoteUserId); }, 3000); return; } remoteUser.channels.forEach(function(channel) { channel.send(data); }); return; } } this.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { if (!that[participant].channels.length) { connection.peers[participant].createDataChannel(); connection.renegotiate(participant); setTimeout(function() { that[participant].channels.forEach(function(channel) { channel.send(data); }); }, 3000); return; } that[participant].channels.forEach(function(channel) { channel.send(data); }); }); } }; this.uuid = connection.userid; this.getLocalConfig = function(remoteSdp, remoteUserId, userPreferences) { if (!userPreferences) { userPreferences = {}; } return { streamsToShare: userPreferences.streamsToShare || {}, rtcMultiConnection: connection, connectionDescription: userPreferences.connectionDescription, userid: remoteUserId, localPeerSdpConstraints: userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints, remotePeerSdpConstraints: userPreferences.remotePeerSdpConstraints, dontGetRemoteStream: !!userPreferences.dontGetRemoteStream, dontAttachLocalStream: !!userPreferences.dontAttachLocalStream, renegotiatingPeer: !!userPreferences.renegotiatingPeer, peerRef: userPreferences.peerRef, channels: userPreferences.channels || [], onLocalSdp: function(localSdp) { self.onNegotiationNeeded(localSdp, remoteUserId); }, onLocalCandidate: function(localCandidate) { localCandidate = OnIceCandidateHandler.processCandidates(connection, localCandidate) if (localCandidate) { self.onNegotiationNeeded(localCandidate, remoteUserId); } }, remoteSdp: remoteSdp, onDataChannelMessage: function(message) { if (!connection.fbr && connection.enableFileSharing) initFileBufferReader(); if (typeof message == 'string' || !connection.enableFileSharing) { self.onDataChannelMessage(message, remoteUserId); return; } var that = this; if (message instanceof ArrayBuffer || message instanceof DataView) { connection.fbr.convertToObject(message, function(object) { that.onDataChannelMessage(object); }); return; } if (message.readyForNextChunk) { connection.fbr.getNextChunk(message, function(nextChunk, isLastChunk) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].channels.forEach(function(channel) { channel.send(nextChunk); }); }, remoteUserId); return; } if (message.chunkMissing) { connection.fbr.chunkMissing(message); return; } connection.fbr.addChunk(message, function(promptNextChunk) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer.channel.send(promptNextChunk); }); }, onDataChannelError: function(error) { self.onDataChannelError(error, remoteUserId); }, onDataChannelOpened: function(channel) { self.onDataChannelOpened(channel, remoteUserId); }, onDataChannelClosed: function(event) { self.onDataChannelClosed(event, remoteUserId); }, onRemoteStream: function(stream) { if (connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].streams.push(stream); } self.onGettingRemoteMedia(stream, remoteUserId); }, onRemoteStreamRemoved: function(stream) { self.onRemovingRemoteMedia(stream, remoteUserId); }, onPeerStateChanged: function(states) { self.onPeerStateChanged(states); if (states.iceConnectionState === 'new') { self.onNegotiationStarted(remoteUserId, states); } if (states.iceConnectionState === 'connected') { self.onNegotiationCompleted(remoteUserId, states); } if (states.iceConnectionState.search(/closed|failed/gi) !== -1) { self.onUserLeft(remoteUserId); self.disconnectWith(remoteUserId); } } }; }; this.createNewPeer = function(remoteUserId, userPreferences) { if (connection.maxParticipantsAllowed <= connection.getAllParticipants().length) { return; } userPreferences = userPreferences || {}; if (connection.isInitiator && !!connection.session.audio && connection.session.audio === 'two-way' && !userPreferences.streamsToShare) { userPreferences.isOneWay = false; userPreferences.isDataOnly = false; userPreferences.session = connection.session; } if (!userPreferences.isOneWay && !userPreferences.isDataOnly) { userPreferences.isOneWay = true; this.onNegotiationNeeded({ enableMedia: true, userPreferences: userPreferences }, remoteUserId); return; } userPreferences = connection.setUserPreferences(userPreferences, remoteUserId); var localConfig = this.getLocalConfig(null, remoteUserId, userPreferences); connection.peers[remoteUserId] = new PeerInitiator(localConfig); }; this.createAnsweringPeer = function(remoteSdp, remoteUserId, userPreferences) { userPreferences = connection.setUserPreferences(userPreferences || {}, remoteUserId); var localConfig = this.getLocalConfig(remoteSdp, remoteUserId, userPreferences); connection.peers[remoteUserId] = new PeerInitiator(localConfig); }; this.renegotiatePeer = function(remoteUserId, userPreferences, remoteSdp) { if (!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.error('Peer (' + remoteUserId + ') does not exist. Renegotiation skipped.'); } return; } if (!userPreferences) { userPreferences = {}; } userPreferences.renegotiatingPeer = true; userPreferences.peerRef = connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer; userPreferences.channels = connection.peers[remoteUserId].channels; var localConfig = this.getLocalConfig(remoteSdp, remoteUserId, userPreferences); connection.peers[remoteUserId] = new PeerInitiator(localConfig); }; this.replaceTrack = function(track, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack) { if (!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { throw 'This peer (' + remoteUserId + ') does not exist.'; } var peer = connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer; if (!!peer.getSenders && typeof peer.getSenders === 'function' && peer.getSenders().length) { peer.getSenders().forEach(function(rtpSender) { if (isVideoTrack && rtpSender.track.kind === 'video') { connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer.lastVideoTrack = rtpSender.track; rtpSender.replaceTrack(track); } if (!isVideoTrack && rtpSender.track.kind === 'audio') { connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer.lastAudioTrack = rtpSender.track; rtpSender.replaceTrack(track); } }); return; } console.warn('RTPSender.replaceTrack is NOT supported.'); this.renegotiatePeer(remoteUserId); }; this.onNegotiationNeeded = function(message, remoteUserId) {}; this.addNegotiatedMessage = function(message, remoteUserId) { if (message.type && message.sdp) { if (message.type == 'answer') { if (connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].addRemoteSdp(message); } } if (message.type == 'offer') { if (message.renegotiatingPeer) { this.renegotiatePeer(remoteUserId, null, message); } else { this.createAnsweringPeer(message, remoteUserId); } } if (connection.enableLogs) { console.log('Remote peer\'s sdp:', message.sdp); } return; } if (message.candidate) { if (connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].addRemoteCandidate(message); } if (connection.enableLogs) { console.log('Remote peer\'s candidate pairs:', message.candidate); } return; } if (message.enableMedia) { connection.session = message.userPreferences.session || connection.session; if (connection.session.oneway && connection.attachStreams.length) { connection.attachStreams = []; } if (message.userPreferences.isDataOnly && connection.attachStreams.length) { connection.attachStreams.length = []; } var streamsToShare = {}; connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(stream) { streamsToShare[stream.streamid] = { isAudio: !!stream.isAudio, isVideo: !!stream.isVideo, isScreen: !!stream.isScreen }; }); message.userPreferences.streamsToShare = streamsToShare; self.onNegotiationNeeded({ readyForOffer: true, userPreferences: message.userPreferences }, remoteUserId); } if (message.readyForOffer) { connection.onReadyForOffer(remoteUserId, message.userPreferences); } function cb(stream) { gumCallback(stream, message, remoteUserId); } }; function gumCallback(stream, message, remoteUserId) { var streamsToShare = {}; connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(stream) { streamsToShare[stream.streamid] = { isAudio: !!stream.isAudio, isVideo: !!stream.isVideo, isScreen: !!stream.isScreen }; }); message.userPreferences.streamsToShare = streamsToShare; self.onNegotiationNeeded({ readyForOffer: true, userPreferences: message.userPreferences }, remoteUserId); } this.onGettingRemoteMedia = function(stream, remoteUserId) {}; this.onRemovingRemoteMedia = function(stream, remoteUserId) {}; this.onGettingLocalMedia = function(localStream) {}; this.onLocalMediaError = function(error, constraints) { connection.onMediaError(error, constraints); }; function initFileBufferReader() { connection.fbr = new FileBufferReader(); connection.fbr.onProgress = function(chunk) { connection.onFileProgress(chunk); }; connection.fbr.onBegin = function(file) { connection.onFileStart(file); }; connection.fbr.onEnd = function(file) { connection.onFileEnd(file); }; } this.shareFile = function(file, remoteUserId) { initFileBufferReader(); connection.fbr.readAsArrayBuffer(file, function(uuid) { var arrayOfUsers = connection.getAllParticipants(); if (remoteUserId) { arrayOfUsers = [remoteUserId]; } arrayOfUsers.forEach(function(participant) { connection.fbr.getNextChunk(uuid, function(nextChunk) { connection.peers[participant].channels.forEach(function(channel) { channel.send(nextChunk); }); }, participant); }); }, { userid: connection.userid, // extra: connection.extra, chunkSize: DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox' ? 15 * 1000 : connection.chunkSize || 0 }); }; if (typeof 'TextReceiver' !== 'undefined') { var textReceiver = new TextReceiver(connection); } this.onDataChannelMessage = function(message, remoteUserId) { textReceiver.receive(JSON.parse(message), remoteUserId, connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}); }; this.onDataChannelClosed = function(event, remoteUserId) { event.userid = remoteUserId; event.extra = connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}; connection.onclose(event); }; this.onDataChannelError = function(error, remoteUserId) { error.userid = remoteUserId; event.extra = connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}; connection.onerror(error); }; this.onDataChannelOpened = function(channel, remoteUserId) { // keep last channel only; we are not expecting parallel/channels channels if (connection.peers[remoteUserId].channels.length) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].channels = [channel]; return; } connection.peers[remoteUserId].channels.push(channel); connection.onopen({ userid: remoteUserId, extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}, channel: channel }); }; this.onPeerStateChanged = function(state) { connection.onPeerStateChanged(state); }; this.onNegotiationStarted = function(remoteUserId, states) {}; this.onNegotiationCompleted = function(remoteUserId, states) {}; this.getRemoteStreams = function(remoteUserId) { remoteUserId = remoteUserId || connection.peers.getAllParticipants()[0]; return connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].streams : []; }; } 'use strict'; // Last Updated On: 2019-01-10 5:32:55 AM UTC // ________________ // DetectRTC v1.3.9 // Open-Sourced: https://github.com/muaz-khan/DetectRTC // -------------------------------------------------- // Muaz Khan - www.MuazKhan.com // MIT License - www.WebRTC-Experiment.com/licence // -------------------------------------------------- (function() { var browserFakeUserAgent = 'Fake/5.0 (FakeOS) AppleWebKit/123 (KHTML, like Gecko) Fake/12.3.4567.89 Fake/123.45'; var isNodejs = typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && process.versions.node && /*node-process*/ !process.browser; if (isNodejs) { var version = process.versions.node.toString().replace('v', ''); browserFakeUserAgent = 'Nodejs/' + version + ' (NodeOS) AppleWebKit/' + version + ' (KHTML, like Gecko) Nodejs/' + version + ' Nodejs/' + version } (function(that) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return; } if (typeof window === 'undefined' && typeof global !== 'undefined') { global.navigator = { userAgent: browserFakeUserAgent, getUserMedia: function() {} }; /*global window:true */ that.window = global; } else if (typeof window === 'undefined') { // window = this; } if (typeof location === 'undefined') { /*global location:true */ that.location = { protocol: 'file:', href: '', hash: '' }; } if (typeof screen === 'undefined') { /*global screen:true */ that.screen = { width: 0, height: 0 }; } })(typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : window); /*global navigator:true */ var navigator = window.navigator; if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined') { if (typeof navigator.webkitGetUserMedia !== 'undefined') { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia; } if (typeof navigator.mozGetUserMedia !== 'undefined') { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.mozGetUserMedia; } } else { navigator = { getUserMedia: function() {}, userAgent: browserFakeUserAgent }; } var isMobileDevice = !!(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BB10|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini|Mobile|mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent || '')); var isEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge') !== -1 && (!!navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob || !!navigator.msSaveBlob); var isOpera = !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0; var isFirefox = typeof window.InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var isChrome = !!window.chrome && !isOpera; var isIE = typeof document !== 'undefined' && !!document.documentMode && !isEdge; // this one can also be used: // https://www.websocket.org/js/stuff.js (DetectBrowser.js) function getBrowserInfo() { var nVer = navigator.appVersion; var nAgt = navigator.userAgent; var browserName = navigator.appName; var fullVersion = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); var majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10); var nameOffset, verOffset, ix; // both and safri and chrome has same userAgent if (isSafari && !isChrome && nAgt.indexOf('CriOS') !== -1) { isSafari = false; isChrome = true; } // In Opera, the true version is after 'Opera' or after 'Version' if (isOpera) { browserName = 'Opera'; try { fullVersion = navigator.userAgent.split('OPR/')[1].split(' ')[0]; majorVersion = fullVersion.split('.')[0]; } catch (e) { fullVersion = ''; majorVersion = 0; } } // In MSIE version <=10, the true version is after 'MSIE' in userAgent // In IE 11, look for the string after 'rv:' else if (isIE) { verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('rv:'); if (verOffset > 0) { //IE 11 fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 3); } else { //IE 10 or earlier verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('MSIE'); fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 5); } browserName = 'IE'; } // In Chrome, the true version is after 'Chrome' else if (isChrome) { verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Chrome'); browserName = 'Chrome'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 7); } // In Safari, the true version is after 'Safari' or after 'Version' else if (isSafari) { verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Safari'); browserName = 'Safari'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 7); if ((verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Version')) !== -1) { fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 8); } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Version/') !== -1) { fullVersion = navigator.userAgent.split('Version/')[1].split(' ')[0]; } } // In Firefox, the true version is after 'Firefox' else if (isFirefox) { verOffset = nAgt.indexOf('Firefox'); browserName = 'Firefox'; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 8); } // In most other browsers, 'name/version' is at the end of userAgent else if ((nameOffset = nAgt.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1) < (verOffset = nAgt.lastIndexOf('/'))) { browserName = nAgt.substring(nameOffset, verOffset); fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset + 1); if (browserName.toLowerCase() === browserName.toUpperCase()) { browserName = navigator.appName; } } if (isEdge) { browserName = 'Edge'; fullVersion = navigator.userAgent.split('Edge/')[1]; // fullVersion = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+).(\d+)$/)[2], 10).toString(); } // trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space/bracket if present if ((ix = fullVersion.search(/[; \)]/)) !== -1) { fullVersion = fullVersion.substring(0, ix); } majorVersion = parseInt('' + fullVersion, 10); if (isNaN(majorVersion)) { fullVersion = '' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion, 10); } return { fullVersion: fullVersion, version: majorVersion, name: browserName, isPrivateBrowsing: false }; } // via: https://gist.github.com/cou929/7973956 function retry(isDone, next) { var currentTrial = 0, maxRetry = 50, interval = 10, isTimeout = false; var id = window.setInterval( function() { if (isDone()) { window.clearInterval(id); next(isTimeout); } if (currentTrial++ > maxRetry) { window.clearInterval(id); isTimeout = true; next(isTimeout); } }, 10 ); } function isIE10OrLater(userAgent) { var ua = userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (ua.indexOf('msie') === 0 && ua.indexOf('trident') === 0) { return false; } var match = /(?:msie|rv:)\s?([\d\.]+)/.exec(ua); if (match && parseInt(match[1], 10) >= 10) { return true; } return false; } function detectPrivateMode(callback) { var isPrivate; try { if (window.webkitRequestFileSystem) { window.webkitRequestFileSystem( window.TEMPORARY, 1, function() { isPrivate = false; }, function(e) { isPrivate = true; } ); } else if (window.indexedDB && /Firefox/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { var db; try { db = window.indexedDB.open('test'); db.onerror = function() { return true; }; } catch (e) { isPrivate = true; } if (typeof isPrivate === 'undefined') { retry( function isDone() { return db.readyState === 'done' ? true : false; }, function next(isTimeout) { if (!isTimeout) { isPrivate = db.result ? false : true; } } ); } } else if (isIE10OrLater(window.navigator.userAgent)) { isPrivate = false; try { if (!window.indexedDB) { isPrivate = true; } } catch (e) { isPrivate = true; } } else if (window.localStorage && /Safari/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) { try { window.localStorage.setItem('test', 1); } catch (e) { isPrivate = true; } if (typeof isPrivate === 'undefined') { isPrivate = false; window.localStorage.removeItem('test'); } } } catch (e) { isPrivate = false; } retry( function isDone() { return typeof isPrivate !== 'undefined' ? true : false; }, function next(isTimeout) { callback(isPrivate); } ); } var isMobile = { Android: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i); }, BlackBerry: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry|BB10/i); }, iOS: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i); }, Opera: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i); }, Windows: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i); }, any: function() { return (isMobile.Android() || isMobile.BlackBerry() || isMobile.iOS() || isMobile.Opera() || isMobile.Windows()); }, getOsName: function() { var osName = 'Unknown OS'; if (isMobile.Android()) { osName = 'Android'; } if (isMobile.BlackBerry()) { osName = 'BlackBerry'; } if (isMobile.iOS()) { osName = 'iOS'; } if (isMobile.Opera()) { osName = 'Opera Mini'; } if (isMobile.Windows()) { osName = 'Windows'; } return osName; } }; // via: http://jsfiddle.net/ChristianL/AVyND/ function detectDesktopOS() { var unknown = '-'; var nVer = navigator.appVersion; var nAgt = navigator.userAgent; var os = unknown; var clientStrings = [{ s: 'Windows 10', r: /(Windows 10.0|Windows NT 10.0)/ }, { s: 'Windows 8.1', r: /(Windows 8.1|Windows NT 6.3)/ }, { s: 'Windows 8', r: /(Windows 8|Windows NT 6.2)/ }, { s: 'Windows 7', r: /(Windows 7|Windows NT 6.1)/ }, { s: 'Windows Vista', r: /Windows NT 6.0/ }, { s: 'Windows Server 2003', r: /Windows NT 5.2/ }, { s: 'Windows XP', r: /(Windows NT 5.1|Windows XP)/ }, { s: 'Windows 2000', r: /(Windows NT 5.0|Windows 2000)/ }, { s: 'Windows ME', r: /(Win 9x 4.90|Windows ME)/ }, { s: 'Windows 98', r: /(Windows 98|Win98)/ }, { s: 'Windows 95', r: /(Windows 95|Win95|Windows_95)/ }, { s: 'Windows NT 4.0', r: /(Windows NT 4.0|WinNT4.0|WinNT|Windows NT)/ }, { s: 'Windows CE', r: /Windows CE/ }, { s: 'Windows 3.11', r: /Win16/ }, { s: 'Android', r: /Android/ }, { s: 'Open BSD', r: /OpenBSD/ }, { s: 'Sun OS', r: /SunOS/ }, { s: 'Linux', r: /(Linux|X11)/ }, { s: 'iOS', r: /(iPhone|iPad|iPod)/ }, { s: 'Mac OS X', r: /Mac OS X/ }, { s: 'Mac OS', r: /(MacPPC|MacIntel|Mac_PowerPC|Macintosh)/ }, { s: 'QNX', r: /QNX/ }, { s: 'UNIX', r: /UNIX/ }, { s: 'BeOS', r: /BeOS/ }, { s: 'OS/2', r: /OS\/2/ }, { s: 'Search Bot', r: /(nuhk|Googlebot|Yammybot|Openbot|Slurp|MSNBot|Ask Jeeves\/Teoma|ia_archiver)/ }]; for (var i = 0, cs; cs = clientStrings[i]; i++) { if (cs.r.test(nAgt)) { os = cs.s; break; } } var osVersion = unknown; if (/Windows/.test(os)) { if (/Windows (.*)/.test(os)) { osVersion = /Windows (.*)/.exec(os)[1]; } os = 'Windows'; } switch (os) { case 'Mac OS X': if (/Mac OS X (10[\.\_\d]+)/.test(nAgt)) { osVersion = /Mac OS X (10[\.\_\d]+)/.exec(nAgt)[1]; } break; case 'Android': if (/Android ([\.\_\d]+)/.test(nAgt)) { osVersion = /Android ([\.\_\d]+)/.exec(nAgt)[1]; } break; case 'iOS': if (/OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/.test(nAgt)) { osVersion = /OS (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/.exec(nVer); osVersion = osVersion[1] + '.' + osVersion[2] + '.' + (osVersion[3] | 0); } break; } return { osName: os, osVersion: osVersion }; } var osName = 'Unknown OS'; var osVersion = 'Unknown OS Version'; function getAndroidVersion(ua) { ua = (ua || navigator.userAgent).toLowerCase(); var match = ua.match(/android\s([0-9\.]*)/); return match ? match[1] : false; } var osInfo = detectDesktopOS(); if (osInfo && osInfo.osName && osInfo.osName != '-') { osName = osInfo.osName; osVersion = osInfo.osVersion; } else if (isMobile.any()) { osName = isMobile.getOsName(); if (osName == 'Android') { osVersion = getAndroidVersion(); } } var isNodejs = typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && process.versions.node; if (osName === 'Unknown OS' && isNodejs) { osName = 'Nodejs'; osVersion = process.versions.node.toString().replace('v', ''); } var isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = false; var isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = false; ['captureStream', 'mozCaptureStream', 'webkitCaptureStream'].forEach(function(item) { if (typeof document === 'undefined' || typeof document.createElement !== 'function') { return; } if (!isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing && item in document.createElement('canvas')) { isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = true; } if (!isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing && item in document.createElement('video')) { isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = true; } }); var regexIpv4Local = /^(192\.168\.|169\.254\.|10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|3[01]))/, regexIpv4 = /([0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3})/, regexIpv6 = /[a-f0-9]{1,4}(:[a-f0-9]{1,4}){7}/; // via: https://github.com/diafygi/webrtc-ips function DetectLocalIPAddress(callback, stream) { if (!DetectRTC.isWebRTCSupported) { return; } var isPublic = true, isIpv4 = true; getIPs(function(ip) { if (!ip) { callback(); // Pass nothing to tell that ICE-gathering-ended } else if (ip.match(regexIpv4Local)) { isPublic = false; callback('Local: ' + ip, isPublic, isIpv4); } else if (ip.match(regexIpv6)) { //via https://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/257/how-to-get-the-client-ip-address-with-javascript-only isIpv4 = false; callback('Public: ' + ip, isPublic, isIpv4); } else { callback('Public: ' + ip, isPublic, isIpv4); } }, stream); } function getIPs(callback, stream) { if (typeof document === 'undefined' || typeof document.getElementById !== 'function') { return; } var ipDuplicates = {}; var RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; if (!RTCPeerConnection) { var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe'); if (!iframe) { return; } var win = iframe.contentWindow; RTCPeerConnection = win.RTCPeerConnection || win.mozRTCPeerConnection || win.webkitRTCPeerConnection; } if (!RTCPeerConnection) { return; } var peerConfig = null; if (DetectRTC.browser === 'Chrome' && DetectRTC.browser.version < 58) { // todo: add support for older Opera peerConfig = { optional: [{ RtpDataChannels: true }] }; } var servers = { iceServers: [{ urls: 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302' }] }; var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(servers, peerConfig); if (stream) { if (pc.addStream) { pc.addStream(stream); } else if (pc.addTrack && stream.getTracks()[0]) { pc.addTrack(stream.getTracks()[0], stream); } } function handleCandidate(candidate) { if (!candidate) { callback(); // Pass nothing to tell that ICE-gathering-ended return; } var match = regexIpv4.exec(candidate); if (!match) { return; } var ipAddress = match[1]; var isPublic = (candidate.match(regexIpv4Local)), isIpv4 = true; if (ipDuplicates[ipAddress] === undefined) { callback(ipAddress, isPublic, isIpv4); } ipDuplicates[ipAddress] = true; } // listen for candidate events pc.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (event.candidate && event.candidate.candidate) { handleCandidate(event.candidate.candidate); } else { handleCandidate(); // Pass nothing to tell that ICE-gathering-ended } }; // create data channel if (!stream) { try { pc.createDataChannel('sctp', {}); } catch (e) {} } // create an offer sdp if (DetectRTC.isPromisesSupported) { pc.createOffer().then(function(result) { pc.setLocalDescription(result).then(afterCreateOffer); }); } else { pc.createOffer(function(result) { pc.setLocalDescription(result, afterCreateOffer, function() {}); }, function() {}); } function afterCreateOffer() { var lines = pc.localDescription.sdp.split('\n'); lines.forEach(function(line) { if (line && line.indexOf('a=candidate:') === 0) { handleCandidate(line); } }); } } var MediaDevices = []; var audioInputDevices = []; var audioOutputDevices = []; var videoInputDevices = []; if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) { // Firefox 38+ seems having support of enumerateDevices // Thanks @xdumaine/enumerateDevices navigator.enumerateDevices = function(callback) { var enumerateDevices = navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(); if (enumerateDevices && enumerateDevices.then) { navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(callback).catch(function() { callback([]); }); } else { callback([]); } }; } // Media Devices detection var canEnumerate = false; /*global MediaStreamTrack:true */ if (typeof MediaStreamTrack !== 'undefined' && 'getSources' in MediaStreamTrack) { canEnumerate = true; } else if (navigator.mediaDevices && !!navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) { canEnumerate = true; } var hasMicrophone = false; var hasSpeakers = false; var hasWebcam = false; var isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = false; var isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = false; // http://dev.w3.org/2011/webrtc/editor/getusermedia.html#mediadevices function checkDeviceSupport(callback) { if (!canEnumerate) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } if (!navigator.enumerateDevices && window.MediaStreamTrack && window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources) { navigator.enumerateDevices = window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources.bind(window.MediaStreamTrack); } if (!navigator.enumerateDevices && navigator.enumerateDevices) { navigator.enumerateDevices = navigator.enumerateDevices.bind(navigator); } if (!navigator.enumerateDevices) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } MediaDevices = []; audioInputDevices = []; audioOutputDevices = []; videoInputDevices = []; hasMicrophone = false; hasSpeakers = false; hasWebcam = false; isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = false; isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = false; // to prevent duplication var alreadyUsedDevices = {}; navigator.enumerateDevices(function(devices) { devices.forEach(function(_device) { var device = {}; for (var d in _device) { try { if (typeof _device[d] !== 'function') { device[d] = _device[d]; } } catch (e) {} } if (alreadyUsedDevices[device.deviceId + device.label + device.kind]) { return; } // if it is MediaStreamTrack.getSources if (device.kind === 'audio') { device.kind = 'audioinput'; } if (device.kind === 'video') { device.kind = 'videoinput'; } if (!device.deviceId) { device.deviceId = device.id; } if (!device.id) { device.id = device.deviceId; } if (!device.label) { device.isCustomLabel = true; if (device.kind === 'videoinput') { device.label = 'Camera ' + (videoInputDevices.length + 1); } else if (device.kind === 'audioinput') { device.label = 'Microphone ' + (audioInputDevices.length + 1); } else if (device.kind === 'audiooutput') { device.label = 'Speaker ' + (audioOutputDevices.length + 1); } else { device.label = 'Please invoke getUserMedia once.'; } if (typeof DetectRTC !== 'undefined' && DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 46 && !/^(https:|chrome-extension:)$/g.test(location.protocol || '')) { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.domain === 'string' && document.domain.search && document.domain.search(/localhost|127.0./g) === -1) { device.label = 'HTTPs is required to get label of this ' + device.kind + ' device.'; } } } else { // Firefox on Android still returns empty label if (device.kind === 'videoinput' && !isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions) { isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = true; } if (device.kind === 'audioinput' && !isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions) { isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = true; } } if (device.kind === 'audioinput') { hasMicrophone = true; if (audioInputDevices.indexOf(device) === -1) { audioInputDevices.push(device); } } if (device.kind === 'audiooutput') { hasSpeakers = true; if (audioOutputDevices.indexOf(device) === -1) { audioOutputDevices.push(device); } } if (device.kind === 'videoinput') { hasWebcam = true; if (videoInputDevices.indexOf(device) === -1) { videoInputDevices.push(device); } } // there is no 'videoouput' in the spec. MediaDevices.push(device); alreadyUsedDevices[device.deviceId + device.label + device.kind] = device; }); if (typeof DetectRTC !== 'undefined') { // to sync latest outputs DetectRTC.MediaDevices = MediaDevices; DetectRTC.hasMicrophone = hasMicrophone; DetectRTC.hasSpeakers = hasSpeakers; DetectRTC.hasWebcam = hasWebcam; DetectRTC.isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions; DetectRTC.isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions; DetectRTC.audioInputDevices = audioInputDevices; DetectRTC.audioOutputDevices = audioOutputDevices; DetectRTC.videoInputDevices = videoInputDevices; } if (callback) { callback(); } }); } var DetectRTC = window.DetectRTC || {}; // ---------- // DetectRTC.browser.name || DetectRTC.browser.version || DetectRTC.browser.fullVersion DetectRTC.browser = getBrowserInfo(); detectPrivateMode(function(isPrivateBrowsing) { DetectRTC.browser.isPrivateBrowsing = !!isPrivateBrowsing; }); // DetectRTC.isChrome || DetectRTC.isFirefox || DetectRTC.isEdge DetectRTC.browser['is' + DetectRTC.browser.name] = true; // ----------- DetectRTC.osName = osName; DetectRTC.osVersion = osVersion; var isNodeWebkit = typeof process === 'object' && typeof process.versions === 'object' && process.versions['node-webkit']; // --------- Detect if system supports WebRTC 1.0 or WebRTC 1.1. var isWebRTCSupported = false; ['RTCPeerConnection', 'webkitRTCPeerConnection', 'mozRTCPeerConnection', 'RTCIceGatherer'].forEach(function(item) { if (isWebRTCSupported) { return; } if (item in window) { isWebRTCSupported = true; } }); DetectRTC.isWebRTCSupported = isWebRTCSupported; //------- DetectRTC.isORTCSupported = typeof RTCIceGatherer !== 'undefined'; // --------- Detect if system supports screen capturing API var isScreenCapturingSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 35) { isScreenCapturingSupported = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 34) { isScreenCapturingSupported = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isEdge && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 17) { isScreenCapturingSupported = true; // navigator.getDisplayMedia } else if (DetectRTC.osName === 'Android' && DetectRTC.browser.isChrome) { isScreenCapturingSupported = true; } if (!/^(https:|chrome-extension:)$/g.test(location.protocol || '')) { var isNonLocalHost = typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.domain === 'string' && document.domain.search && document.domain.search(/localhost|127.0./g) === -1; if (isNonLocalHost && (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome || DetectRTC.browser.isEdge || DetectRTC.browser.isOpera)) { isScreenCapturingSupported = false; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox) { isScreenCapturingSupported = false; } } DetectRTC.isScreenCapturingSupported = isScreenCapturingSupported; // --------- Detect if WebAudio API are supported var webAudio = { isSupported: false, isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported: false }; ['AudioContext', 'webkitAudioContext', 'mozAudioContext', 'msAudioContext'].forEach(function(item) { if (webAudio.isSupported) { return; } if (item in window) { webAudio.isSupported = true; if (window[item] && 'createMediaStreamSource' in window[item].prototype) { webAudio.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported = true; } } }); DetectRTC.isAudioContextSupported = webAudio.isSupported; DetectRTC.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported = webAudio.isCreateMediaStreamSourceSupported; // ---------- Detect if SCTP/RTP channels are supported. var isRtpDataChannelsSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version > 31) { isRtpDataChannelsSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isRtpDataChannelsSupported = isRtpDataChannelsSupported; var isSCTPSupportd = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version > 28) { isSCTPSupportd = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version > 25) { isSCTPSupportd = true; } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isOpera && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 11) { isSCTPSupportd = true; } DetectRTC.isSctpDataChannelsSupported = isSCTPSupportd; // --------- DetectRTC.isMobileDevice = isMobileDevice; // "isMobileDevice" boolean is defined in "getBrowserInfo.js" // ------ var isGetUserMediaSupported = false; if (navigator.getUserMedia) { isGetUserMediaSupported = true; } else if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) { isGetUserMediaSupported = true; } if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 46 && !/^(https:|chrome-extension:)$/g.test(location.protocol || '')) { if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.domain === 'string' && document.domain.search && document.domain.search(/localhost|127.0./g) === -1) { isGetUserMediaSupported = 'Requires HTTPs'; } } if (DetectRTC.osName === 'Nodejs') { isGetUserMediaSupported = false; } DetectRTC.isGetUserMediaSupported = isGetUserMediaSupported; var displayResolution = ''; if (screen.width) { var width = (screen.width) ? screen.width : ''; var height = (screen.height) ? screen.height : ''; displayResolution += '' + width + ' x ' + height; } DetectRTC.displayResolution = displayResolution; function getAspectRatio(w, h) { function gcd(a, b) { return (b == 0) ? a : gcd(b, a % b); } var r = gcd(w, h); return (w / r) / (h / r); } DetectRTC.displayAspectRatio = getAspectRatio(screen.width, screen.height).toFixed(2); // ---------- DetectRTC.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing; DetectRTC.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing; if (DetectRTC.browser.name == 'Chrome' && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 53) { if (!DetectRTC.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing) { DetectRTC.isCanvasSupportsStreamCapturing = 'Requires chrome flag: enable-experimental-web-platform-features'; } if (!DetectRTC.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing) { DetectRTC.isVideoSupportsStreamCapturing = 'Requires chrome flag: enable-experimental-web-platform-features'; } } // ------ DetectRTC.DetectLocalIPAddress = DetectLocalIPAddress; DetectRTC.isWebSocketsSupported = 'WebSocket' in window && 2 === window.WebSocket.CLOSING; DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = !DetectRTC.isWebSocketsSupported; if (DetectRTC.osName === 'Nodejs') { DetectRTC.isWebSocketsSupported = true; DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = false; } DetectRTC.checkWebSocketsSupport = function(callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; try { var starttime; var websocket = new WebSocket('wss://echo.websocket.org:443/'); websocket.onopen = function() { DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = false; starttime = (new Date).getTime(); websocket.send('ping'); }; websocket.onmessage = function() { DetectRTC.WebsocketLatency = (new Date).getTime() - starttime + 'ms'; callback(); websocket.close(); websocket = null; }; websocket.onerror = function() { DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = true; callback(); }; } catch (e) { DetectRTC.isWebSocketsBlocked = true; callback(); } }; // ------- DetectRTC.load = function(callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; checkDeviceSupport(callback); }; // check for microphone/camera support! if (typeof checkDeviceSupport === 'function') { // checkDeviceSupport(); } if (typeof MediaDevices !== 'undefined') { DetectRTC.MediaDevices = MediaDevices; } else { DetectRTC.MediaDevices = []; } DetectRTC.hasMicrophone = hasMicrophone; DetectRTC.hasSpeakers = hasSpeakers; DetectRTC.hasWebcam = hasWebcam; DetectRTC.isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions = isWebsiteHasWebcamPermissions; DetectRTC.isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions = isWebsiteHasMicrophonePermissions; DetectRTC.audioInputDevices = audioInputDevices; DetectRTC.audioOutputDevices = audioOutputDevices; DetectRTC.videoInputDevices = videoInputDevices; // ------ var isSetSinkIdSupported = false; if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.createElement === 'function' && 'setSinkId' in document.createElement('video')) { isSetSinkIdSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isSetSinkIdSupported = isSetSinkIdSupported; // ----- var isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && typeof mozRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined' /*&& DetectRTC.browser.version > 39*/ ) { /*global mozRTCPeerConnection:true */ if ('getSenders' in mozRTCPeerConnection.prototype) { isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = true; } } else if (DetectRTC.browser.isChrome && typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { /*global webkitRTCPeerConnection:true */ if ('getSenders' in webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype) { isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = true; } } DetectRTC.isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported = isRTPSenderReplaceTracksSupported; //------ var isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version > 38) { isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported = isRemoteStreamProcessingSupported; //------- var isApplyConstraintsSupported = false; /*global MediaStreamTrack:true */ if (typeof MediaStreamTrack !== 'undefined' && 'applyConstraints' in MediaStreamTrack.prototype) { isApplyConstraintsSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isApplyConstraintsSupported = isApplyConstraintsSupported; //------- var isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = false; if (DetectRTC.browser.isFirefox && DetectRTC.browser.version >= 43) { // version 43 merely supports platforms for multi-monitors // version 44 will support exact multi-monitor selection i.e. you can select any monitor for screen capturing. isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = true; } DetectRTC.isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported = isMultiMonitorScreenCapturingSupported; DetectRTC.isPromisesSupported = !!('Promise' in window); // version is generated by "grunt" DetectRTC.version = '1.3.9'; if (typeof DetectRTC === 'undefined') { window.DetectRTC = {}; } var MediaStream = window.MediaStream; if (typeof MediaStream === 'undefined' && typeof webkitMediaStream !== 'undefined') { MediaStream = webkitMediaStream; } if (typeof MediaStream !== 'undefined' && typeof MediaStream === 'function') { DetectRTC.MediaStream = Object.keys(MediaStream.prototype); } else DetectRTC.MediaStream = false; if (typeof MediaStreamTrack !== 'undefined') { DetectRTC.MediaStreamTrack = Object.keys(MediaStreamTrack.prototype); } else DetectRTC.MediaStreamTrack = false; var RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection; if (typeof RTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { DetectRTC.RTCPeerConnection = Object.keys(RTCPeerConnection.prototype); } else DetectRTC.RTCPeerConnection = false; window.DetectRTC = DetectRTC; if (typeof module !== 'undefined' /* && !!module.exports*/ ) { module.exports = DetectRTC; } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('DetectRTC', [], function() { return DetectRTC; }); } })(); // globals.js if (typeof cordova !== 'undefined') { DetectRTC.isMobileDevice = true; DetectRTC.browser.name = 'Chrome'; } if (navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Crosswalk') !== -1) { DetectRTC.isMobileDevice = true; DetectRTC.browser.name = 'Chrome'; } function fireEvent(obj, eventName, args) { if (typeof CustomEvent === 'undefined') { return; } var eventDetail = { arguments: args, __exposedProps__: args }; var event = new CustomEvent(eventName, eventDetail); obj.dispatchEvent(event); } function setHarkEvents(connection, streamEvent) { if (!streamEvent.stream || !getTracks(streamEvent.stream, 'audio').length) return; if (!connection || !streamEvent) { throw 'Both arguments are required.'; } if (!connection.onspeaking || !connection.onsilence) { return; } if (typeof hark === 'undefined') { throw 'hark.js not found.'; } hark(streamEvent.stream, { onspeaking: function() { connection.onspeaking(streamEvent); }, onsilence: function() { connection.onsilence(streamEvent); }, onvolumechange: function(volume, threshold) { if (!connection.onvolumechange) { return; } connection.onvolumechange(merge({ volume: volume, threshold: threshold }, streamEvent)); } }); } function setMuteHandlers(connection, streamEvent) { if (!streamEvent.stream || !streamEvent.stream || !streamEvent.stream.addEventListener) return; streamEvent.stream.addEventListener('mute', function(event) { event = connection.streamEvents[streamEvent.streamid]; event.session = { audio: event.muteType === 'audio', video: event.muteType === 'video' }; connection.onmute(event); }, false); streamEvent.stream.addEventListener('unmute', function(event) { event = connection.streamEvents[streamEvent.streamid]; event.session = { audio: event.unmuteType === 'audio', video: event.unmuteType === 'video' }; connection.onunmute(event); }, false); } function getRandomString() { if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') === -1) { var a = window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(3)), token = ''; for (var i = 0, l = a.length; i < l; i++) { token += a[i].toString(36); } return token; } else { return (Math.random() * new Date().getTime()).toString(36).replace(/\./g, ''); } } // Get HTMLAudioElement/HTMLVideoElement accordingly // todo: add API documentation for connection.autoCreateMediaElement function getRMCMediaElement(stream, callback, connection) { if (!connection.autoCreateMediaElement) { callback({}); return; } var isAudioOnly = false; if (!getTracks(stream, 'video').length && !stream.isVideo && !stream.isScreen) { isAudioOnly = true; } if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { if (connection.session.video || connection.session.screen) { isAudioOnly = false; } } var mediaElement = document.createElement(isAudioOnly ? 'audio' : 'video'); mediaElement.srcObject = stream; mediaElement.setAttribute('autoplay', true); mediaElement.setAttribute('playsinline', true); mediaElement.setAttribute('controls', true); mediaElement.setAttribute('muted', false); mediaElement.setAttribute('volume', 1); // http://goo.gl/WZ5nFl // Firefox don't yet support onended for any stream (remote/local) if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { var streamEndedEvent = 'ended'; if ('oninactive' in mediaElement) { streamEndedEvent = 'inactive'; } mediaElement.addEventListener(streamEndedEvent, function() { // fireEvent(stream, streamEndedEvent, stream); currentUserMediaRequest.remove(stream.idInstance); if (stream.type === 'local') { streamEndedEvent = 'ended'; if ('oninactive' in stream) { streamEndedEvent = 'inactive'; } StreamsHandler.onSyncNeeded(stream.streamid, streamEndedEvent); connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(aStream, idx) { if (stream.streamid === aStream.streamid) { delete connection.attachStreams[idx]; } }); var newStreamsArray = []; connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(aStream) { if (aStream) { newStreamsArray.push(aStream); } }); connection.attachStreams = newStreamsArray; var streamEvent = connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]; if (streamEvent) { connection.onstreamended(streamEvent); return; } if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } } }, false); } var played = mediaElement.play(); if (typeof played !== 'undefined') { var cbFired = false; setTimeout(function() { if (!cbFired) { cbFired = true; callback(mediaElement); } }, 1000); played.then(function() { if (cbFired) return; cbFired = true; callback(mediaElement); }).catch(function(error) { if (cbFired) return; cbFired = true; callback(mediaElement); }); } else { callback(mediaElement); } } // if IE if (!window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener = function(el, eventName, eventHandler) { if (!el.attachEvent) { return; } el.attachEvent('on' + eventName, eventHandler); }; } function listenEventHandler(eventName, eventHandler) { window.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); window.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler, false); } window.attachEventListener = function(video, type, listener, useCapture) { video.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture); }; function removeNullEntries(array) { var newArray = []; array.forEach(function(item) { if (item) { newArray.push(item); } }); return newArray; } function isData(session) { return !session.audio && !session.video && !session.screen && session.data; } function isNull(obj) { return typeof obj === 'undefined'; } function isString(obj) { return typeof obj === 'string'; } var MediaStream = window.MediaStream; if (typeof MediaStream === 'undefined' && typeof webkitMediaStream !== 'undefined') { MediaStream = webkitMediaStream; } /*global MediaStream:true */ if (typeof MediaStream !== 'undefined') { if (!('stop' in MediaStream.prototype)) { MediaStream.prototype.stop = function() { this.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.stop(); }); }; } } function isAudioPlusTab(connection, audioPlusTab) { if (connection.session.audio && connection.session.audio === 'two-way') { return false; } if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox' && audioPlusTab !== false) { return true; } if (DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Chrome' || DetectRTC.browser.version < 50) return false; if (typeof audioPlusTab === true) { return true; } if (typeof audioPlusTab === 'undefined' && connection.session.audio && connection.session.screen && !connection.session.video) { audioPlusTab = true; return true; } return false; } function getAudioScreenConstraints(screen_constraints) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { return true; } if (DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Chrome') return false; return { mandatory: { chromeMediaSource: screen_constraints.mandatory.chromeMediaSource, chromeMediaSourceId: screen_constraints.mandatory.chromeMediaSourceId } }; } window.iOSDefaultAudioOutputDevice = window.iOSDefaultAudioOutputDevice || 'speaker'; // earpiece or speaker function getTracks(stream, kind) { if (!stream || !stream.getTracks) { return []; } return stream.getTracks().filter(function(t) { return t.kind === (kind || 'audio'); }); } function isUnifiedPlanSupportedDefault() { var canAddTransceiver = false; try { if (typeof RTCRtpTransceiver === 'undefined') return false; if (!('currentDirection' in RTCRtpTransceiver.prototype)) return false; var tempPc = new RTCPeerConnection(); try { tempPc.addTransceiver('audio'); canAddTransceiver = true; } catch (e) {} tempPc.close(); } catch (e) { canAddTransceiver = false; } return canAddTransceiver && isUnifiedPlanSuppored(); } function isUnifiedPlanSuppored() { var isUnifiedPlanSupported = false; try { var pc = new RTCPeerConnection({ sdpSemantics: 'unified-plan' }); try { var config = pc.getConfiguration(); if (config.sdpSemantics == 'unified-plan') isUnifiedPlanSupported = true; else if (config.sdpSemantics == 'plan-b') isUnifiedPlanSupported = false; else isUnifiedPlanSupported = false; } catch (e) { isUnifiedPlanSupported = false; } } catch (e) { isUnifiedPlanSupported = false; } return isUnifiedPlanSupported; } // ios-hacks.js function setCordovaAPIs() { // if (DetectRTC.osName !== 'iOS') return; if (typeof cordova === 'undefined' || typeof cordova.plugins === 'undefined' || typeof cordova.plugins.iosrtc === 'undefined') return; var iosrtc = cordova.plugins.iosrtc; window.webkitRTCPeerConnection = iosrtc.RTCPeerConnection; window.RTCSessionDescription = iosrtc.RTCSessionDescription; window.RTCIceCandidate = iosrtc.RTCIceCandidate; window.MediaStream = iosrtc.MediaStream; window.MediaStreamTrack = iosrtc.MediaStreamTrack; navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia = iosrtc.getUserMedia; iosrtc.debug.enable('iosrtc*'); if (typeof iosrtc.selectAudioOutput == 'function') { iosrtc.selectAudioOutput(window.iOSDefaultAudioOutputDevice || 'speaker'); // earpiece or speaker } iosrtc.registerGlobals(); } document.addEventListener('deviceready', setCordovaAPIs, false); setCordovaAPIs(); // RTCPeerConnection.js var defaults = {}; function setSdpConstraints(config) { var sdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: !!config.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: !!config.OfferToReceiveVideo }; return sdpConstraints; } var RTCPeerConnection; if (typeof window.RTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection; } else if (typeof mozRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = mozRTCPeerConnection; } else if (typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = webkitRTCPeerConnection; } var RTCSessionDescription = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription; var RTCIceCandidate = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate; var MediaStreamTrack = window.MediaStreamTrack; function PeerInitiator(config) { if (typeof window.RTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection; } else if (typeof mozRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = mozRTCPeerConnection; } else if (typeof webkitRTCPeerConnection !== 'undefined') { RTCPeerConnection = webkitRTCPeerConnection; } RTCSessionDescription = window.RTCSessionDescription || window.mozRTCSessionDescription; RTCIceCandidate = window.RTCIceCandidate || window.mozRTCIceCandidate; MediaStreamTrack = window.MediaStreamTrack; if (!RTCPeerConnection) { throw 'WebRTC 1.0 (RTCPeerConnection) API are NOT available in this browser.'; } var connection = config.rtcMultiConnection; this.extra = config.remoteSdp ? config.remoteSdp.extra : connection.extra; this.userid = config.userid; this.streams = []; this.channels = config.channels || []; this.connectionDescription = config.connectionDescription; this.addStream = function(session) { connection.addStream(session, self.userid); }; this.removeStream = function(streamid) { connection.removeStream(streamid, self.userid); }; var self = this; if (config.remoteSdp) { this.connectionDescription = config.remoteSdp.connectionDescription; } var allRemoteStreams = {}; defaults.sdpConstraints = setSdpConstraints({ OfferToReceiveAudio: true, OfferToReceiveVideo: true }); var peer; var renegotiatingPeer = !!config.renegotiatingPeer; if (config.remoteSdp) { renegotiatingPeer = !!config.remoteSdp.renegotiatingPeer; } var localStreams = []; connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(stream) { if (!!stream) { localStreams.push(stream); } }); if (!renegotiatingPeer) { var iceTransports = 'all'; if (connection.candidates.turn || connection.candidates.relay) { if (!connection.candidates.stun && !connection.candidates.reflexive && !connection.candidates.host) { iceTransports = 'relay'; } } try { // ref: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCConfiguration var params = { iceServers: connection.iceServers, iceTransportPolicy: connection.iceTransportPolicy || iceTransports }; if (typeof connection.iceCandidatePoolSize !== 'undefined') { params.iceCandidatePoolSize = connection.iceCandidatePoolSize; } if (typeof connection.bundlePolicy !== 'undefined') { params.bundlePolicy = connection.bundlePolicy; } if (typeof connection.rtcpMuxPolicy !== 'undefined') { params.rtcpMuxPolicy = connection.rtcpMuxPolicy; } if (!!connection.sdpSemantics) { params.sdpSemantics = connection.sdpSemantics || 'unified-plan'; } if (!connection.iceServers || !connection.iceServers.length) { params = null; connection.optionalArgument = null; } peer = new RTCPeerConnection(params, connection.optionalArgument); } catch (e) { try { var params = { iceServers: connection.iceServers }; peer = new RTCPeerConnection(params); } catch (e) { peer = new RTCPeerConnection(); } } } else { peer = config.peerRef; } if (!peer.getRemoteStreams && peer.getReceivers) { peer.getRemoteStreams = function() { var stream = new MediaStream(); peer.getReceivers().forEach(function(receiver) { stream.addTrack(receiver.track); }); return [stream]; }; } if (!peer.getLocalStreams && peer.getSenders) { peer.getLocalStreams = function() { var stream = new MediaStream(); peer.getSenders().forEach(function(sender) { stream.addTrack(sender.track); }); return [stream]; }; } peer.onicecandidate = function(event) { if (!event.candidate) { if (!connection.trickleIce) { var localSdp = peer.localDescription; config.onLocalSdp({ type: localSdp.type, sdp: localSdp.sdp, remotePeerSdpConstraints: config.remotePeerSdpConstraints || false, renegotiatingPeer: !!config.renegotiatingPeer || false, connectionDescription: self.connectionDescription, dontGetRemoteStream: !!config.dontGetRemoteStream, extra: connection ? connection.extra : {}, streamsToShare: streamsToShare }); } return; } if (!connection.trickleIce) return; config.onLocalCandidate({ candidate: event.candidate.candidate, sdpMid: event.candidate.sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex }); }; localStreams.forEach(function(localStream) { if (config.remoteSdp && config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints.dontGetRemoteStream) { return; } if (config.dontAttachLocalStream) { return; } localStream = connection.beforeAddingStream(localStream, self); if (!localStream) return; peer.getLocalStreams().forEach(function(stream) { if (localStream && stream.id == localStream.id) { localStream = null; } }); if (localStream && localStream.getTracks) { localStream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { try { // last parameter is redundant for unified-plan // starting from chrome version 72 peer.addTrack(track, localStream); } catch (e) {} }); } }); peer.oniceconnectionstatechange = peer.onsignalingstatechange = function() { if(self.signalingState != "stable") { console.log("Negotiation skipped in stable"); return; } var extra = self.extra; if (connection.peers[self.userid]) { extra = connection.peers[self.userid].extra || extra; } if (!peer) { return; } config.onPeerStateChanged({ iceConnectionState: peer.iceConnectionState, iceGatheringState: peer.iceGatheringState, signalingState: peer.signalingState, extra: extra, userid: self.userid }); if (peer && peer.iceConnectionState && peer.iceConnectionState.search(/closed|failed/gi) !== -1 && self.streams instanceof Array) { self.streams.forEach(function(stream) { var streamEvent = connection.streamEvents[stream.id] || { streamid: stream.id, stream: stream, type: 'remote' }; connection.onstreamended(streamEvent); }); } }; var sdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: !!localStreams.length, OfferToReceiveVideo: !!localStreams.length }; if (config.localPeerSdpConstraints) sdpConstraints = config.localPeerSdpConstraints; defaults.sdpConstraints = setSdpConstraints(sdpConstraints); var streamObject; var dontDuplicate = {}; peer.ontrack = function(event) { if (!event || event.type !== 'track') return; event.stream = event.streams[event.streams.length - 1]; if (!event.stream.id) { event.stream.id = event.track.id; } if (dontDuplicate[event.stream.id] && DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Safari') { if (event.track) { event.track.onended = function() { // event.track.onmute = peer && peer.onremovestream(event); }; } return; } dontDuplicate[event.stream.id] = event.stream.id; var streamsToShare = {}; if (config.remoteSdp && config.remoteSdp.streamsToShare) { streamsToShare = config.remoteSdp.streamsToShare; } else if (config.streamsToShare) { streamsToShare = config.streamsToShare; } var streamToShare = streamsToShare[event.stream.id]; if (streamToShare) { event.stream.isAudio = streamToShare.isAudio; event.stream.isVideo = streamToShare.isVideo; event.stream.isScreen = streamToShare.isScreen; } else { event.stream.isVideo = !!getTracks(event.stream, 'video').length; event.stream.isAudio = !event.stream.isVideo; event.stream.isScreen = false; } event.stream.streamid = event.stream.id; allRemoteStreams[event.stream.id] = event.stream; config.onRemoteStream(event.stream); event.stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { track.onended = function() { // track.onmute = peer && peer.onremovestream(event); }; }); event.stream.onremovetrack = function() { peer && peer.onremovestream(event); }; }; peer.onremovestream = function(event) { // this event doesn't works anymore event.stream.streamid = event.stream.id; if (allRemoteStreams[event.stream.id]) { delete allRemoteStreams[event.stream.id]; } config.onRemoteStreamRemoved(event.stream); }; if (typeof peer.removeStream !== 'function') { // removeStream backward compatibility peer.removeStream = function(stream) { stream.getTracks().forEach(function(track) { peer.removeTrack(track, stream); }); }; } this.addRemoteCandidate = function(remoteCandidate) { peer.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(remoteCandidate)); }; function oldAddRemoteSdp(remoteSdp, cb) { cb = cb || function() {}; if (DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Safari') { remoteSdp.sdp = connection.processSdp(remoteSdp.sdp); } peer.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(remoteSdp), cb, function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('setRemoteDescription failed', '\n', error, '\n', remoteSdp.sdp); } cb(); }); } this.addRemoteSdp = function(remoteSdp, cb) { cb = cb || function() {}; if (DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Safari') { remoteSdp.sdp = connection.processSdp(remoteSdp.sdp); } peer.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(remoteSdp)).then(cb, function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('setRemoteDescription failed', '\n', error, '\n', remoteSdp.sdp); } cb(); }).catch(function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('setRemoteDescription failed', '\n', error, '\n', remoteSdp.sdp); } cb(); }); }; var isOfferer = true; if (config.remoteSdp) { isOfferer = false; } this.createDataChannel = function() { var channel = peer.createDataChannel('sctp', {}); setChannelEvents(channel); }; if (connection.session.data === true && !renegotiatingPeer) { if (!isOfferer) { peer.ondatachannel = function(event) { var channel = event.channel; setChannelEvents(channel); }; } else { this.createDataChannel(); } } this.enableDisableVideoEncoding = function(enable) { var rtcp; peer.getSenders().forEach(function(sender) { if (!rtcp && sender.track.kind === 'video') { rtcp = sender; } }); if (!rtcp || !rtcp.getParameters) return; var parameters = rtcp.getParameters(); parameters.encodings[1] && (parameters.encodings[1].active = !!enable); parameters.encodings[2] && (parameters.encodings[2].active = !!enable); rtcp.setParameters(parameters); }; if (config.remoteSdp) { if (config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints) { sdpConstraints = config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints; } defaults.sdpConstraints = setSdpConstraints(sdpConstraints); this.addRemoteSdp(config.remoteSdp, function() { createOfferOrAnswer('createAnswer'); }); } function setChannelEvents(channel) { // force ArrayBuffer in Firefox; which uses "Blob" by default. channel.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; channel.onmessage = function(event) { config.onDataChannelMessage(event.data); }; channel.onopen = function() { config.onDataChannelOpened(channel); }; channel.onerror = function(error) { config.onDataChannelError(error); }; channel.onclose = function(event) { config.onDataChannelClosed(event); }; channel.internalSend = channel.send; channel.send = function(data) { if (channel.readyState !== 'open') { return; } channel.internalSend(data); }; peer.channel = channel; } if (connection.session.audio == 'two-way' || connection.session.video == 'two-way' || connection.session.screen == 'two-way') { defaults.sdpConstraints = setSdpConstraints({ OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.session.audio == 'two-way' || (config.remoteSdp && config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio), OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.session.video == 'two-way' || connection.session.screen == 'two-way' || (config.remoteSdp && config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints && config.remoteSdp.remotePeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio) }); } var streamsToShare = {}; peer.getLocalStreams().forEach(function(stream) { streamsToShare[stream.streamid] = { isAudio: !!stream.isAudio, isVideo: !!stream.isVideo, isScreen: !!stream.isScreen }; }); function oldCreateOfferOrAnswer(_method) { peer[_method](function(localSdp) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Safari') { localSdp.sdp = connection.processSdp(localSdp.sdp); } peer.setLocalDescription(localSdp, function() { if (!connection.trickleIce) return; config.onLocalSdp({ type: localSdp.type, sdp: localSdp.sdp, remotePeerSdpConstraints: config.remotePeerSdpConstraints || false, renegotiatingPeer: !!config.renegotiatingPeer || false, connectionDescription: self.connectionDescription, dontGetRemoteStream: !!config.dontGetRemoteStream, extra: connection ? connection.extra : {}, streamsToShare: streamsToShare }); connection.onSettingLocalDescription(self); }, function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('setLocalDescription-error', error); } }); }, function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('sdp-' + _method + '-error', error); } }, defaults.sdpConstraints); } function createOfferOrAnswer(_method) { peer[_method](defaults.sdpConstraints).then(function(localSdp) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name !== 'Safari') { localSdp.sdp = connection.processSdp(localSdp.sdp); } peer.setLocalDescription(localSdp).then(function() { if (!connection.trickleIce) return; config.onLocalSdp({ type: localSdp.type, sdp: localSdp.sdp, remotePeerSdpConstraints: config.remotePeerSdpConstraints || false, renegotiatingPeer: !!config.renegotiatingPeer || false, connectionDescription: self.connectionDescription, dontGetRemoteStream: !!config.dontGetRemoteStream, extra: connection ? connection.extra : {}, streamsToShare: streamsToShare }); connection.onSettingLocalDescription(self); }, function(error) { if (!connection.enableLogs) return; console.error('setLocalDescription error', error); }); }, function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('sdp-error', error); } }); } if (isOfferer) { createOfferOrAnswer('createOffer'); } peer.nativeClose = peer.close; peer.close = function() { if (!peer) { return; } try { if (peer.nativeClose !== peer.close) { peer.nativeClose(); } } catch (e) {} peer = null; self.peer = null; }; this.peer = peer; } // CodecsHandler.js var CodecsHandler = (function() { function preferCodec(sdp, codecName) { var info = splitLines(sdp); if (!info.videoCodecNumbers) { return sdp; } if (codecName === 'vp8' && info.vp8LineNumber === info.videoCodecNumbers[0]) { return sdp; } if (codecName === 'vp9' && info.vp9LineNumber === info.videoCodecNumbers[0]) { return sdp; } if (codecName === 'h264' && info.h264LineNumber === info.videoCodecNumbers[0]) { return sdp; } sdp = preferCodecHelper(sdp, codecName, info); return sdp; } function preferCodecHelper(sdp, codec, info, ignore) { var preferCodecNumber = ''; if (codec === 'vp8') { if (!info.vp8LineNumber) { return sdp; } preferCodecNumber = info.vp8LineNumber; } if (codec === 'vp9') { if (!info.vp9LineNumber) { return sdp; } preferCodecNumber = info.vp9LineNumber; } if (codec === 'h264') { if (!info.h264LineNumber) { return sdp; } preferCodecNumber = info.h264LineNumber; } var newLine = info.videoCodecNumbersOriginal.split('SAVPF')[0] + 'SAVPF '; var newOrder = [preferCodecNumber]; if (ignore) { newOrder = []; } info.videoCodecNumbers.forEach(function(codecNumber) { if (codecNumber === preferCodecNumber) return; newOrder.push(codecNumber); }); newLine += newOrder.join(' '); sdp = sdp.replace(info.videoCodecNumbersOriginal, newLine); return sdp; } function splitLines(sdp) { var info = {}; sdp.split('\n').forEach(function(line) { if (line.indexOf('m=video') === 0) { info.videoCodecNumbers = []; line.split('SAVPF')[1].split(' ').forEach(function(codecNumber) { codecNumber = codecNumber.trim(); if (!codecNumber || !codecNumber.length) return; info.videoCodecNumbers.push(codecNumber); info.videoCodecNumbersOriginal = line; }); } if (line.indexOf('VP8/90000') !== -1 && !info.vp8LineNumber) { info.vp8LineNumber = line.replace('a=rtpmap:', '').split(' ')[0]; } if (line.indexOf('VP9/90000') !== -1 && !info.vp9LineNumber) { info.vp9LineNumber = line.replace('a=rtpmap:', '').split(' ')[0]; } if (line.indexOf('H264/90000') !== -1 && !info.h264LineNumber) { info.h264LineNumber = line.replace('a=rtpmap:', '').split(' ')[0]; } }); return info; } function removeVPX(sdp) { var info = splitLines(sdp); // last parameter below means: ignore these codecs sdp = preferCodecHelper(sdp, 'vp9', info, true); sdp = preferCodecHelper(sdp, 'vp8', info, true); return sdp; } function disableNACK(sdp) { if (!sdp || typeof sdp !== 'string') { throw 'Invalid arguments.'; } sdp = sdp.replace('a=rtcp-fb:126 nack\r\n', ''); sdp = sdp.replace('a=rtcp-fb:126 nack pli\r\n', 'a=rtcp-fb:126 pli\r\n'); sdp = sdp.replace('a=rtcp-fb:97 nack\r\n', ''); sdp = sdp.replace('a=rtcp-fb:97 nack pli\r\n', 'a=rtcp-fb:97 pli\r\n'); return sdp; } function prioritize(codecMimeType, peer) { if (!peer || !peer.getSenders || !peer.getSenders().length) { return; } if (!codecMimeType || typeof codecMimeType !== 'string') { throw 'Invalid arguments.'; } peer.getSenders().forEach(function(sender) { var params = sender.getParameters(); for (var i = 0; i < params.codecs.length; i++) { if (params.codecs[i].mimeType == codecMimeType) { params.codecs.unshift(params.codecs.splice(i, 1)); break; } } sender.setParameters(params); }); } function removeNonG722(sdp) { return sdp.replace(/m=audio ([0-9]+) RTP\/SAVPF ([0-9 ]*)/g, 'm=audio $1 RTP\/SAVPF 9'); } function setBAS(sdp, bandwidth, isScreen) { if (!bandwidth) { return sdp; } if (typeof isFirefox !== 'undefined' && isFirefox) { return sdp; } if (isScreen) { if (!bandwidth.screen) { console.warn('It seems that you are not using bandwidth for screen. Screen sharing is expected to fail.'); } else if (bandwidth.screen < 300) { console.warn('It seems that you are using wrong bandwidth value for screen. Screen sharing is expected to fail.'); } } // if screen; must use at least 300kbs if (bandwidth.screen && isScreen) { sdp = sdp.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, ''); sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + bandwidth.screen + '\r\n'); } // remove existing bandwidth lines if (bandwidth.audio || bandwidth.video) { sdp = sdp.replace(/b=AS([^\r\n]+\r\n)/g, ''); } if (bandwidth.audio) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:audio\r\n/g, 'a=mid:audio\r\nb=AS:' + bandwidth.audio + '\r\n'); } if (bandwidth.screen) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + bandwidth.screen + '\r\n'); } else if (bandwidth.video) { sdp = sdp.replace(/a=mid:video\r\n/g, 'a=mid:video\r\nb=AS:' + bandwidth.video + '\r\n'); } return sdp; } // Find the line in sdpLines that starts with |prefix|, and, if specified, // contains |substr| (case-insensitive search). function findLine(sdpLines, prefix, substr) { return findLineInRange(sdpLines, 0, -1, prefix, substr); } // Find the line in sdpLines[startLine...endLine - 1] that starts with |prefix| // and, if specified, contains |substr| (case-insensitive search). function findLineInRange(sdpLines, startLine, endLine, prefix, substr) { var realEndLine = endLine !== -1 ? endLine : sdpLines.length; for (var i = startLine; i < realEndLine; ++i) { if (sdpLines[i].indexOf(prefix) === 0) { if (!substr || sdpLines[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(substr.toLowerCase()) !== -1) { return i; } } } return null; } // Gets the codec payload type from an a=rtpmap:X line. function getCodecPayloadType(sdpLine) { var pattern = new RegExp('a=rtpmap:(\\d+) \\w+\\/\\d+'); var result = sdpLine.match(pattern); return (result && result.length === 2) ? result[1] : null; } function setVideoBitrates(sdp, params) { params = params || {}; var xgoogle_min_bitrate = params.min; var xgoogle_max_bitrate = params.max; var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n'); // VP8 var vp8Index = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=rtpmap', 'VP8/90000'); var vp8Payload; if (vp8Index) { vp8Payload = getCodecPayloadType(sdpLines[vp8Index]); } if (!vp8Payload) { return sdp; } var rtxIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=rtpmap', 'rtx/90000'); var rtxPayload; if (rtxIndex) { rtxPayload = getCodecPayloadType(sdpLines[rtxIndex]); } if (!rtxIndex) { return sdp; } var rtxFmtpLineIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=fmtp:' + rtxPayload.toString()); if (rtxFmtpLineIndex !== null) { var appendrtxNext = '\r\n'; appendrtxNext += 'a=fmtp:' + vp8Payload + ' x-google-min-bitrate=' + (xgoogle_min_bitrate || '228') + '; x-google-max-bitrate=' + (xgoogle_max_bitrate || '228'); sdpLines[rtxFmtpLineIndex] = sdpLines[rtxFmtpLineIndex].concat(appendrtxNext); sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); } return sdp; } function setOpusAttributes(sdp, params) { params = params || {}; var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n'); // Opus var opusIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=rtpmap', 'opus/48000'); var opusPayload; if (opusIndex) { opusPayload = getCodecPayloadType(sdpLines[opusIndex]); } if (!opusPayload) { return sdp; } var opusFmtpLineIndex = findLine(sdpLines, 'a=fmtp:' + opusPayload.toString()); if (opusFmtpLineIndex === null) { return sdp; } var appendOpusNext = ''; appendOpusNext += '; stereo=' + (typeof params.stereo != 'undefined' ? params.stereo : '1'); appendOpusNext += '; sprop-stereo=' + (typeof params['sprop-stereo'] != 'undefined' ? params['sprop-stereo'] : '1'); if (typeof params.maxaveragebitrate != 'undefined') { appendOpusNext += '; maxaveragebitrate=' + (params.maxaveragebitrate || 128 * 1024 * 8); } if (typeof params.maxplaybackrate != 'undefined') { appendOpusNext += '; maxplaybackrate=' + (params.maxplaybackrate || 128 * 1024 * 8); } if (typeof params.cbr != 'undefined') { appendOpusNext += '; cbr=' + (typeof params.cbr != 'undefined' ? params.cbr : '1'); } if (typeof params.useinbandfec != 'undefined') { appendOpusNext += '; useinbandfec=' + params.useinbandfec; } if (typeof params.usedtx != 'undefined') { appendOpusNext += '; usedtx=' + params.usedtx; } if (typeof params.maxptime != 'undefined') { appendOpusNext += '\r\na=maxptime:' + params.maxptime; } sdpLines[opusFmtpLineIndex] = sdpLines[opusFmtpLineIndex].concat(appendOpusNext); sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); return sdp; } // forceStereoAudio => via webrtcexample.com // requires getUserMedia => echoCancellation:false function forceStereoAudio(sdp) { var sdpLines = sdp.split('\r\n'); var fmtpLineIndex = null; for (var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) { if (sdpLines[i].search('opus/48000') !== -1) { var opusPayload = extractSdp(sdpLines[i], /:(\d+) opus\/48000/i); break; } } for (var i = 0; i < sdpLines.length; i++) { if (sdpLines[i].search('a=fmtp') !== -1) { var payload = extractSdp(sdpLines[i], /a=fmtp:(\d+)/); if (payload === opusPayload) { fmtpLineIndex = i; break; } } } if (fmtpLineIndex === null) return sdp; sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex] = sdpLines[fmtpLineIndex].concat('; stereo=1; sprop-stereo=1'); sdp = sdpLines.join('\r\n'); return sdp; } return { removeVPX: removeVPX, disableNACK: disableNACK, prioritize: prioritize, removeNonG722: removeNonG722, setApplicationSpecificBandwidth: function(sdp, bandwidth, isScreen) { return setBAS(sdp, bandwidth, isScreen); }, setVideoBitrates: function(sdp, params) { return setVideoBitrates(sdp, params); }, setOpusAttributes: function(sdp, params) { return setOpusAttributes(sdp, params); }, preferVP9: function(sdp) { return preferCodec(sdp, 'vp9'); }, preferCodec: preferCodec, forceStereoAudio: forceStereoAudio }; })(); // backward compatibility window.BandwidthHandler = CodecsHandler; // OnIceCandidateHandler.js var OnIceCandidateHandler = (function() { function processCandidates(connection, icePair) { var candidate = icePair.candidate; var iceRestrictions = connection.candidates; var stun = iceRestrictions.stun; var turn = iceRestrictions.turn; if (!isNull(iceRestrictions.reflexive)) { stun = iceRestrictions.reflexive; } if (!isNull(iceRestrictions.relay)) { turn = iceRestrictions.relay; } if (!iceRestrictions.host && !!candidate.match(/typ host/g)) { return; } if (!turn && !!candidate.match(/typ relay/g)) { return; } if (!stun && !!candidate.match(/typ srflx/g)) { return; } var protocol = connection.iceProtocols; if (!protocol.udp && !!candidate.match(/ udp /g)) { return; } if (!protocol.tcp && !!candidate.match(/ tcp /g)) { return; } if (connection.enableLogs) { console.debug('Your candidate pairs:', candidate); } return { candidate: candidate, sdpMid: icePair.sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex: icePair.sdpMLineIndex }; } return { processCandidates: processCandidates }; })(); // IceServersHandler.js var IceServersHandler = (function() { function getIceServers(connection) { // resiprocate: 3344+4433 // pions: 7575 var iceServers = [{ 'urls': [ 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302', 'stun:stun1.l.google.com:19302', 'stun:stun2.l.google.com:19302', 'stun:stun.l.google.com:19302?transport=udp', ] }]; return iceServers; } return { getIceServers: getIceServers }; })(); // getUserMediaHandler.js function setStreamType(constraints, stream) { if (constraints.mandatory && constraints.mandatory.chromeMediaSource) { stream.isScreen = true; } else if (constraints.mozMediaSource || constraints.mediaSource) { stream.isScreen = true; } else if (constraints.video) { stream.isVideo = true; } else if (constraints.audio) { stream.isAudio = true; } } // allow users to manage this object (to support re-capturing of screen/etc.) window.currentUserMediaRequest = { streams: [], mutex: false, queueRequests: [], remove: function(idInstance) { this.mutex = false; var stream = this.streams[idInstance]; if (!stream) { return; } stream = stream.stream; var options = stream.currentUserMediaRequestOptions; if (this.queueRequests.indexOf(options)) { delete this.queueRequests[this.queueRequests.indexOf(options)]; this.queueRequests = removeNullEntries(this.queueRequests); } this.streams[idInstance].stream = null; delete this.streams[idInstance]; } }; function getUserMediaHandler(options) { if (currentUserMediaRequest.mutex === true) { currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.push(options); return; } currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = true; // easy way to match var idInstance = JSON.stringify(options.localMediaConstraints); function streaming(stream, returnBack) { setStreamType(options.localMediaConstraints, stream); var streamEndedEvent = 'ended'; if ('oninactive' in stream) { streamEndedEvent = 'inactive'; } stream.addEventListener(streamEndedEvent, function() { delete currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]; currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; if (currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.indexOf(options)) { delete currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests[currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.indexOf(options)]; currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests = removeNullEntries(currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests); } }, false); currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance] = { stream: stream }; currentUserMediaRequest.mutex = false; if (currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.length) { getUserMediaHandler(currentUserMediaRequest.queueRequests.shift()); } // callback options.onGettingLocalMedia(stream, returnBack); } if (currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance]) { streaming(currentUserMediaRequest.streams[idInstance].stream, true); } else { var isBlackBerry = !!(/BB10|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent || '')); if (isBlackBerry || typeof navigator.mediaDevices === 'undefined' || typeof navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia !== 'function') { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; navigator.getUserMedia(options.localMediaConstraints, function(stream) { stream.streamid = stream.streamid || stream.id || getRandomString(); stream.idInstance = idInstance; streaming(stream); }, function(error) { options.onLocalMediaError(error, options.localMediaConstraints); }); return; } if (typeof navigator.mediaDevices === 'undefined') { navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia; var getUserMediaSuccess = function() {}; var getUserMediaFailure = function() {}; var getUserMediaStream, getUserMediaError; navigator.mediaDevices = { getUserMedia: function(hints) { navigator.getUserMedia(hints, function(getUserMediaSuccess) { getUserMediaSuccess(stream); getUserMediaStream = stream; }, function(error) { getUserMediaFailure(error); getUserMediaError = error; }); return { then: function(successCB) { if (getUserMediaStream) { successCB(getUserMediaStream); return; } getUserMediaSuccess = successCB; return { then: function(failureCB) { if (getUserMediaError) { failureCB(getUserMediaError); return; } getUserMediaFailure = failureCB; } } } } } }; } if (options.localMediaConstraints.isScreen === true) { if (navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia) { navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(options.localMediaConstraints).then(function(stream) { stream.streamid = stream.streamid || stream.id || getRandomString(); stream.idInstance = idInstance; streaming(stream); }).catch(function(error) { options.onLocalMediaError(error, options.localMediaConstraints); }); } else if (navigator.getDisplayMedia) { navigator.getDisplayMedia(options.localMediaConstraints).then(function(stream) { stream.streamid = stream.streamid || stream.id || getRandomString(); stream.idInstance = idInstance; streaming(stream); }).catch(function(error) { options.onLocalMediaError(error, options.localMediaConstraints); }); } else { throw new Error('getDisplayMedia API is not availabe in this browser.'); } return; } navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(options.localMediaConstraints).then(function(stream) { stream.streamid = stream.streamid || stream.id || getRandomString(); stream.idInstance = idInstance; streaming(stream); }).catch(function(error) { options.onLocalMediaError(error, options.localMediaConstraints); }); } } // StreamsHandler.js var StreamsHandler = (function() { function handleType(type) { if (!type) { return; } if (typeof type === 'string' || typeof type === 'undefined') { return type; } if (type.audio && type.video) { return null; } if (type.audio) { return 'audio'; } if (type.video) { return 'video'; } return; } function setHandlers(stream, syncAction, connection) { if (!stream || !stream.addEventListener) return; if (typeof syncAction == 'undefined' || syncAction == true) { var streamEndedEvent = 'ended'; if ('oninactive' in stream) { streamEndedEvent = 'inactive'; } stream.addEventListener(streamEndedEvent, function() { StreamsHandler.onSyncNeeded(this.streamid, streamEndedEvent); }, false); } stream.mute = function(type, isSyncAction) { type = handleType(type); if (typeof isSyncAction !== 'undefined') { syncAction = isSyncAction; } if (typeof type == 'undefined' || type == 'audio') { getTracks(stream, 'audio').forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = false; connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].isAudioMuted = true; }); } if (typeof type == 'undefined' || type == 'video') { getTracks(stream, 'video').forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = false; }); } if (typeof syncAction == 'undefined' || syncAction == true) { StreamsHandler.onSyncNeeded(stream.streamid, 'mute', type); } connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].muteType = type || 'both'; fireEvent(stream, 'mute', type); }; stream.unmute = function(type, isSyncAction) { type = handleType(type); if (typeof isSyncAction !== 'undefined') { syncAction = isSyncAction; } graduallyIncreaseVolume(); if (typeof type == 'undefined' || type == 'audio') { getTracks(stream, 'audio').forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = true; connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].isAudioMuted = false; }); } if (typeof type == 'undefined' || type == 'video') { getTracks(stream, 'video').forEach(function(track) { track.enabled = true; }); // make sure that video unmute doesn't affects audio if (typeof type !== 'undefined' && type == 'video' && connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].isAudioMuted) { (function looper(times) { if (!times) { times = 0; } times++; // check until five-seconds if (times < 100 && connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].isAudioMuted) { stream.mute('audio'); setTimeout(function() { looper(times); }, 50); } })(); } } if (typeof syncAction == 'undefined' || syncAction == true) { StreamsHandler.onSyncNeeded(stream.streamid, 'unmute', type); } connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].unmuteType = type || 'both'; fireEvent(stream, 'unmute', type); }; function graduallyIncreaseVolume() { if (!connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].mediaElement) { return; } var mediaElement = connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].mediaElement; mediaElement.volume = 0; afterEach(200, 5, function() { try { mediaElement.volume += .20; } catch (e) { mediaElement.volume = 1; } }); } } function afterEach(setTimeoutInteval, numberOfTimes, callback, startedTimes) { startedTimes = (startedTimes || 0) + 1; if (startedTimes >= numberOfTimes) return; setTimeout(function() { callback(); afterEach(setTimeoutInteval, numberOfTimes, callback, startedTimes); }, setTimeoutInteval); } return { setHandlers: setHandlers, onSyncNeeded: function(streamid, action, type) {} }; })(); // TextReceiver.js & TextSender.js function TextReceiver(connection) { var content = {}; function receive(data, userid, extra) { // uuid is used to uniquely identify sending instance var uuid = data.uuid; if (!content[uuid]) { content[uuid] = []; } content[uuid].push(data.message); if (data.last) { var message = content[uuid].join(''); if (data.isobject) { message = JSON.parse(message); } // latency detection var receivingTime = new Date().getTime(); var latency = receivingTime - data.sendingTime; var e = { data: message, userid: userid, extra: extra, latency: latency }; if (connection.autoTranslateText) { e.original = e.data; connection.Translator.TranslateText(e.data, function(translatedText) { e.data = translatedText; connection.onmessage(e); }); } else { connection.onmessage(e); } delete content[uuid]; } } return { receive: receive }; } // TextSender.js var TextSender = { send: function(config) { var connection = config.connection; var channel = config.channel, remoteUserId = config.remoteUserId, initialText = config.text, packetSize = connection.chunkSize || 1000, textToTransfer = '', isobject = false; if (!isString(initialText)) { isobject = true; initialText = JSON.stringify(initialText); } // uuid is used to uniquely identify sending instance var uuid = getRandomString(); var sendingTime = new Date().getTime(); sendText(initialText); function sendText(textMessage, text) { var data = { type: 'text', uuid: uuid, sendingTime: sendingTime }; if (textMessage) { text = textMessage; data.packets = parseInt(text.length / packetSize); } if (text.length > packetSize) { data.message = text.slice(0, packetSize); } else { data.message = text; data.last = true; data.isobject = isobject; } channel.send(data, remoteUserId); textToTransfer = text.slice(data.message.length); if (textToTransfer.length) { setTimeout(function() { sendText(null, textToTransfer); }, connection.chunkInterval || 100); } } } }; // FileProgressBarHandler.js var FileProgressBarHandler = (function() { function handle(connection) { var progressHelper = {}; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onFileStart/ connection.onFileStart = function(file) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.title = file.name; div.innerHTML = ' '; if (file.remoteUserId) { div.innerHTML += ' (Sharing with:' + file.remoteUserId + ')'; } if (!connection.filesContainer) { connection.filesContainer = document.body || document.documentElement; } connection.filesContainer.insertBefore(div, connection.filesContainer.firstChild); if (!file.remoteUserId) { progressHelper[file.uuid] = { div: div, progress: div.querySelector('progress'), label: div.querySelector('label') }; progressHelper[file.uuid].progress.max = file.maxChunks; return; } if (!progressHelper[file.uuid]) { progressHelper[file.uuid] = {}; } progressHelper[file.uuid][file.remoteUserId] = { div: div, progress: div.querySelector('progress'), label: div.querySelector('label') }; progressHelper[file.uuid][file.remoteUserId].progress.max = file.maxChunks; }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onFileProgress/ connection.onFileProgress = function(chunk) { var helper = progressHelper[chunk.uuid]; if (!helper) { return; } if (chunk.remoteUserId) { helper = progressHelper[chunk.uuid][chunk.remoteUserId]; if (!helper) { return; } } helper.progress.value = chunk.currentPosition || chunk.maxChunks || helper.progress.max; updateLabel(helper.progress, helper.label); }; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/onFileEnd/ connection.onFileEnd = function(file) { var helper = progressHelper[file.uuid]; if (!helper) { console.error('No such progress-helper element exist.', file); return; } if (file.remoteUserId) { helper = progressHelper[file.uuid][file.remoteUserId]; if (!helper) { return; } } var div = helper.div; if (file.type.indexOf('image') != -1) { div.innerHTML = 'Download ' + file.name + '
'; } else { div.innerHTML = 'Download ' + file.name + '
'; } }; function updateLabel(progress, label) { if (progress.position === -1) { return; } var position = +progress.position.toFixed(2).split('.')[1] || 100; label.innerHTML = position + '%'; } } return { handle: handle }; })(); // TranslationHandler.js var TranslationHandler = (function() { function handle(connection) { connection.autoTranslateText = false; connection.language = 'en'; connection.googKey = 'AIzaSyCgB5hmFY74WYB-EoWkhr9cAGr6TiTHrEE'; // www.RTCMultiConnection.org/docs/Translator/ connection.Translator = { TranslateText: function(text, callback) { // if(location.protocol === 'https:') return callback(text); var newScript = document.createElement('script'); newScript.type = 'text/javascript'; var sourceText = encodeURIComponent(text); // escape var randomNumber = 'method' + connection.token(); window[randomNumber] = function(response) { if (response.data && response.data.translations[0] && callback) { callback(response.data.translations[0].translatedText); return; } if (response.error && response.error.message === 'Daily Limit Exceeded') { console.error('Text translation failed. Error message: "Daily Limit Exceeded."'); return; } if (response.error) { console.error(response.error.message); return; } console.error(response); }; var source = 'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?key=' + connection.googKey + '&target=' + (connection.language || 'en-US') + '&callback=window.' + randomNumber + '&q=' + sourceText; newScript.src = source; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(newScript); }, getListOfLanguages: function(callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (response && response.data && response.data.languages) { callback(response.data.languages); return; } if (response.error && response.error.message === 'Daily Limit Exceeded') { console.error('Text translation failed. Error message: "Daily Limit Exceeded."'); return; } if (response.error) { console.error(response.error.message); return; } console.error(response); } } var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2/languages?key=' + connection.googKey + '&target=en'; xhr.open('GET', url, true); xhr.send(null); } }; } return { handle: handle }; })(); // _____________________ // RTCMultiConnection.js (function(connection) { forceOptions = forceOptions || { useDefaultDevices: true }; connection.channel = connection.sessionid = (roomid || location.href.replace(/\/|:|#|\?|\$|\^|%|\.|`|~|!|\+|@|\[|\||]|\|*. /g, '').split('\n').join('').split('\r').join('')) + ''; var mPeer = new MultiPeers(connection); var preventDuplicateOnStreamEvents = {}; mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia = function(stream, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (preventDuplicateOnStreamEvents[stream.streamid]) { callback(); return; } preventDuplicateOnStreamEvents[stream.streamid] = true; try { stream.type = 'local'; } catch (e) {} connection.setStreamEndHandler(stream); getRMCMediaElement(stream, function(mediaElement) { mediaElement.id = stream.streamid; mediaElement.muted = true; mediaElement.volume = 0; if (connection.attachStreams.indexOf(stream) === -1) { connection.attachStreams.push(stream); } if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') { StreamsHandler.setHandlers(stream, true, connection); } connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] = { stream: stream, type: 'local', mediaElement: mediaElement, userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra, streamid: stream.streamid, isAudioMuted: true }; try { setHarkEvents(connection, connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]); setMuteHandlers(connection, connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]); connection.onstream(connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]); } catch (e) { // } callback(); }, connection); }; mPeer.onGettingRemoteMedia = function(stream, remoteUserId) { try { stream.type = 'remote'; } catch (e) {} connection.setStreamEndHandler(stream, 'remote-stream'); getRMCMediaElement(stream, function(mediaElement) { mediaElement.id = stream.streamid; if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') { StreamsHandler.setHandlers(stream, false, connection); } connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] = { stream: stream, type: 'remote', userid: remoteUserId, extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}, mediaElement: mediaElement, streamid: stream.streamid }; setMuteHandlers(connection, connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]); connection.onstream(connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]); }, connection); }; mPeer.onRemovingRemoteMedia = function(stream, remoteUserId) { var streamEvent = connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]; if (!streamEvent) { streamEvent = { stream: stream, type: 'remote', userid: remoteUserId, extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {}, streamid: stream.streamid, mediaElement: connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] ? connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].mediaElement : null }; } if (connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid]) { streamEvent.extra = connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid].extra; } connection.onstreamended(streamEvent); delete connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]; }; mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded = function(message, remoteUserId, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; remoteUserId = remoteUserId || message.remoteUserId; message = message || ''; // usually a message looks like this var messageToDeliver = { remoteUserId: remoteUserId, message: message, sender: connection.userid }; if (message.remoteUserId && message.message && message.sender) { // if a code is manually passing required data messageToDeliver = message; } connectSocket(function() { connection.socket.emit(connection.socketMessageEvent, messageToDeliver, callback); }); }; function onUserLeft(remoteUserId) { connection.deletePeer(remoteUserId); } mPeer.onUserLeft = onUserLeft; mPeer.disconnectWith = function(remoteUserId, callback) { if (connection.socket) { connection.socket.emit('disconnect-with', remoteUserId, callback || function() {}); } connection.deletePeer(remoteUserId); }; connection.socketOptions = { // 'force new connection': true, // For SocketIO version < 1.0 // 'forceNew': true, // For SocketIO version >= 1.0 'transport': 'polling' // fixing transport:unknown issues }; function connectSocket(connectCallback) { connection.socketAutoReConnect = true; if (connection.socket) { // todo: check here readySate/etc. to make sure socket is still opened if (connectCallback) { connectCallback(connection.socket); } return; } if (typeof SocketConnection === 'undefined') { if (typeof FirebaseConnection !== 'undefined') { window.SocketConnection = FirebaseConnection; } else if (typeof PubNubConnection !== 'undefined') { window.SocketConnection = PubNubConnection; } else { throw 'SocketConnection.js seems missed.'; } } new SocketConnection(connection, function(s) { if (connectCallback) { connectCallback(connection.socket); } }); } // 1st paramter is roomid // 2rd paramter is a callback function connection.openOrJoin = function(roomid, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; connection.checkPresence(roomid, function(isRoomExist, roomid) { if (isRoomExist) { connection.sessionid = roomid; var localPeerSdpConstraints = false; var remotePeerSdpConstraints = false; var isOneWay = !!connection.session.oneway; var isDataOnly = isData(connection.session); remotePeerSdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo } localPeerSdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: isOneWay ? !!connection.session.audio : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: isOneWay ? !!connection.session.video || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo } var connectionDescription = { remoteUserId: connection.sessionid, message: { newParticipationRequest: true, isOneWay: isOneWay, isDataOnly: isDataOnly, localPeerSdpConstraints: localPeerSdpConstraints, remotePeerSdpConstraints: remotePeerSdpConstraints }, sender: connection.userid }; beforeJoin(connectionDescription.message, function() { joinRoom(connectionDescription, callback); }); return; } connection.waitingForLocalMedia = true; connection.isInitiator = true; connection.sessionid = roomid || connection.sessionid; if (isData(connection.session)) { openRoom(callback); return; } connection.captureUserMedia(function() { openRoom(callback); }); }); }; // don't allow someone to join this person until he has the media connection.waitingForLocalMedia = false; connection.open = function(roomid, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; connection.waitingForLocalMedia = true; connection.isInitiator = true; connection.sessionid = roomid || connection.sessionid; connectSocket(function() { if (isData(connection.session)) { openRoom(callback); return; } connection.captureUserMedia(function() { openRoom(callback); }); }); }; // this object keeps extra-data records for all connected users // this object is never cleared so you can always access extra-data even if a user left connection.peersBackup = {}; connection.deletePeer = function(remoteUserId) { if (!remoteUserId || !connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { return; } var eventObject = { userid: remoteUserId, extra: connection.peers[remoteUserId] ? connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra : {} }; if (connection.peersBackup[eventObject.userid]) { eventObject.extra = connection.peersBackup[eventObject.userid].extra; } connection.onleave(eventObject); if (!!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].streams.forEach(function(stream) { stream.stop(); }); var peer = connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer; if (peer && peer.iceConnectionState !== 'closed') { try { peer.close(); } catch (e) {} } if (connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { connection.peers[remoteUserId].peer = null; delete connection.peers[remoteUserId]; } } } connection.rejoin = function(connectionDescription) { if (connection.isInitiator || !connectionDescription || !Object.keys(connectionDescription).length) { return; } var extra = {}; if (connection.peers[connectionDescription.remoteUserId]) { extra = connection.peers[connectionDescription.remoteUserId].extra; connection.deletePeer(connectionDescription.remoteUserId); } if (connectionDescription && connectionDescription.remoteUserId) { connection.join(connectionDescription.remoteUserId); connection.onReConnecting({ userid: connectionDescription.remoteUserId, extra: extra }); } }; connection.join = function(remoteUserId, options) { connection.sessionid = (remoteUserId ? remoteUserId.sessionid || remoteUserId.remoteUserId || remoteUserId : false) || connection.sessionid; connection.sessionid += ''; var localPeerSdpConstraints = false; var remotePeerSdpConstraints = false; var isOneWay = false; var isDataOnly = false; if ((remoteUserId && remoteUserId.session) || !remoteUserId || typeof remoteUserId === 'string') { var session = remoteUserId ? remoteUserId.session || connection.session : connection.session; isOneWay = !!session.oneway; isDataOnly = isData(session); remotePeerSdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }; localPeerSdpConstraints = { OfferToReceiveAudio: isOneWay ? !!connection.session.audio : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveAudio, OfferToReceiveVideo: isOneWay ? !!connection.session.video || !!connection.session.screen : connection.sdpConstraints.mandatory.OfferToReceiveVideo }; } options = options || {}; var cb = function() {}; if (typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = {}; } if (typeof options.localPeerSdpConstraints !== 'undefined') { localPeerSdpConstraints = options.localPeerSdpConstraints; } if (typeof options.remotePeerSdpConstraints !== 'undefined') { remotePeerSdpConstraints = options.remotePeerSdpConstraints; } if (typeof options.isOneWay !== 'undefined') { isOneWay = options.isOneWay; } if (typeof options.isDataOnly !== 'undefined') { isDataOnly = options.isDataOnly; } var connectionDescription = { remoteUserId: connection.sessionid, message: { newParticipationRequest: true, isOneWay: isOneWay, isDataOnly: isDataOnly, localPeerSdpConstraints: localPeerSdpConstraints, remotePeerSdpConstraints: remotePeerSdpConstraints }, sender: connection.userid }; beforeJoin(connectionDescription.message, function() { connectSocket(function() { joinRoom(connectionDescription, cb); }); }); return connectionDescription; }; function joinRoom(connectionDescription, cb) { connection.socket.emit('join-room', { sessionid: connection.sessionid, session: connection.session, mediaConstraints: connection.mediaConstraints, sdpConstraints: connection.sdpConstraints, streams: getStreamInfoForAdmin(), extra: connection.extra, password: typeof connection.password !== 'undefined' && typeof connection.password !== 'object' ? connection.password : '' }, function(isRoomJoined, error) { if (isRoomJoined === true) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.log('isRoomJoined: ', isRoomJoined, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid); } if (!!connection.peers[connection.sessionid]) { // on socket disconnect & reconnect return; } mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded(connectionDescription); } if (isRoomJoined === false) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('isRoomJoined: ', error, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid); } // [disabled] retry after 3 seconds false && setTimeout(function() { joinRoom(connectionDescription, cb); }, 3000); } cb(isRoomJoined, connection.sessionid, error); }); } connection.publicRoomIdentifier = ''; function openRoom(callback) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.log('Sending open-room signal to socket.io'); } connection.waitingForLocalMedia = false; connection.socket.emit('open-room', { sessionid: connection.sessionid, session: connection.session, mediaConstraints: connection.mediaConstraints, sdpConstraints: connection.sdpConstraints, streams: getStreamInfoForAdmin(), extra: connection.extra, identifier: connection.publicRoomIdentifier, password: typeof connection.password !== 'undefined' && typeof connection.password !== 'object' ? connection.password : '' }, function(isRoomOpened, error) { if (isRoomOpened === true) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.log('isRoomOpened: ', isRoomOpened, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid); } callback(isRoomOpened, connection.sessionid); } if (isRoomOpened === false) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('isRoomOpened: ', error, ' roomid: ', connection.sessionid); } callback(isRoomOpened, connection.sessionid, error); } }); } function getStreamInfoForAdmin() { try { return connection.streamEvents.selectAll('local').map(function(event) { return { streamid: event.streamid, tracks: event.stream.getTracks().length }; }); } catch (e) { return []; } } function beforeJoin(userPreferences, callback) { if (connection.dontCaptureUserMedia || userPreferences.isDataOnly) { callback(); return; } var localMediaConstraints = {}; if (userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveAudio) { localMediaConstraints.audio = connection.mediaConstraints.audio; } if (userPreferences.localPeerSdpConstraints.OfferToReceiveVideo) { localMediaConstraints.video = connection.mediaConstraints.video; } var session = userPreferences.session || connection.session; if (session.oneway && session.audio !== 'two-way' && session.video !== 'two-way' && session.screen !== 'two-way') { callback(); return; } if (session.oneway && session.audio && session.audio === 'two-way') { session = { audio: true }; } if (session.audio || session.video || session.screen) { if (session.screen) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Edge') { navigator.getDisplayMedia({ video: true, audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection) }).then(function(screen) { screen.isScreen = true; mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen); if ((session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, callback); } else { callback(screen); } }, function(error) { console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.'); }); } else { connection.invokeGetUserMedia({ audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection), video: true, isScreen: true }, (session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection) ? connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, callback) : callback); } } else if (session.audio || session.video) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, callback, session); } } } connection.getUserMedia = connection.captureUserMedia = function(callback, sessionForced) { callback = callback || function() {}; var session = sessionForced || connection.session; if (connection.dontCaptureUserMedia || isData(session)) { callback(); return; } if (session.audio || session.video || session.screen) { if (session.screen) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Edge') { navigator.getDisplayMedia({ video: true, audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection) }).then(function(screen) { screen.isScreen = true; mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen); if ((session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) { var nonScreenSession = {}; for (var s in session) { if (s !== 'screen') { nonScreenSession[s] = session[s]; } } connection.invokeGetUserMedia(sessionForced, callback, nonScreenSession); return; } callback(screen); }, function(error) { console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.'); }); } else { connection.invokeGetUserMedia({ audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection), video: true, isScreen: true }, function(stream) { if ((session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) { var nonScreenSession = {}; for (var s in session) { if (s !== 'screen') { nonScreenSession[s] = session[s]; } } connection.invokeGetUserMedia(sessionForced, callback, nonScreenSession); return; } callback(stream); }); } } else if (session.audio || session.video) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(sessionForced, callback, session); } } }; connection.onbeforeunload = function(arg1, dontCloseSocket) { if (!connection.closeBeforeUnload) { return; } connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded({ userLeft: true }, participant); if (connection.peers[participant] && connection.peers[participant].peer) { connection.peers[participant].peer.close(); } delete connection.peers[participant]; }); if (!dontCloseSocket) { connection.closeSocket(); } connection.isInitiator = false; }; if (!window.ignoreBeforeUnload) { // user can implement its own version of window.onbeforeunload connection.closeBeforeUnload = true; window.addEventListener('beforeunload', connection.onbeforeunload, false); } else { connection.closeBeforeUnload = false; } connection.userid = getRandomString(); connection.changeUserId = function(newUserId, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; connection.userid = newUserId || getRandomString(); connection.socket.emit('changed-uuid', connection.userid, callback); }; connection.extra = {}; connection.attachStreams = []; connection.session = { audio: true, video: true }; connection.enableFileSharing = false; // all values in kbps connection.bandwidth = { screen: false, audio: false, video: false }; connection.codecs = { audio: 'opus', video: 'VP9' }; connection.processSdp = function(sdp) { // ignore SDP modification if unified-pan is supported if (isUnifiedPlanSupportedDefault()) { return sdp; } if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Safari') { return sdp; } if (connection.codecs.video.toUpperCase() === 'VP8') { sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, 'vp8'); } if (connection.codecs.video.toUpperCase() === 'VP9') { sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, 'vp9'); } if (connection.codecs.video.toUpperCase() === 'H264') { sdp = CodecsHandler.preferCodec(sdp, 'h264'); } if (connection.codecs.audio === 'G722') { sdp = CodecsHandler.removeNonG722(sdp); } if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { return sdp; } if (connection.bandwidth.video || connection.bandwidth.screen) { sdp = CodecsHandler.setApplicationSpecificBandwidth(sdp, connection.bandwidth, !!connection.session.screen); } if (connection.bandwidth.video) { sdp = CodecsHandler.setVideoBitrates(sdp, { min: connection.bandwidth.video * 8 * 1024, max: connection.bandwidth.video * 8 * 1024 }); } if (connection.bandwidth.audio) { sdp = CodecsHandler.setOpusAttributes(sdp, { maxaveragebitrate: connection.bandwidth.audio * 8 * 1024, maxplaybackrate: connection.bandwidth.audio * 8 * 1024, stereo: 1, maxptime: 3 }); } return sdp; }; if (typeof CodecsHandler !== 'undefined') { connection.BandwidthHandler = connection.CodecsHandler = CodecsHandler; } connection.mediaConstraints = { audio: { mandatory: {}, optional: connection.bandwidth.audio ? [{ bandwidth: connection.bandwidth.audio * 8 * 1024 || 128 * 8 * 1024 }] : [] }, video: { mandatory: {}, optional: connection.bandwidth.video ? [{ bandwidth: connection.bandwidth.video * 8 * 1024 || 128 * 8 * 1024 }, { facingMode: 'user' }] : [{ facingMode: 'user' }] } }; if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { connection.mediaConstraints = { audio: true, video: true }; } if (!forceOptions.useDefaultDevices && !DetectRTC.isMobileDevice) { DetectRTC.load(function() { var lastAudioDevice, lastVideoDevice; // it will force RTCMultiConnection to capture last-devices // i.e. if external microphone is attached to system, we should prefer it over built-in devices. DetectRTC.MediaDevices.forEach(function(device) { if (device.kind === 'audioinput' && connection.mediaConstraints.audio !== false) { lastAudioDevice = device; } if (device.kind === 'videoinput' && connection.mediaConstraints.video !== false) { lastVideoDevice = device; } }); if (lastAudioDevice) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { if (connection.mediaConstraints.audio !== true) { connection.mediaConstraints.audio.deviceId = lastAudioDevice.id; } else { connection.mediaConstraints.audio = { deviceId: lastAudioDevice.id } } return; } if (connection.mediaConstraints.audio == true) { connection.mediaConstraints.audio = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] } } if (!connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional) { connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional = []; } var optional = [{ sourceId: lastAudioDevice.id }]; connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional = optional.concat(connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional); } if (lastVideoDevice) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Firefox') { if (connection.mediaConstraints.video !== true) { connection.mediaConstraints.video.deviceId = lastVideoDevice.id; } else { connection.mediaConstraints.video = { deviceId: lastVideoDevice.id } } return; } if (connection.mediaConstraints.video == true) { connection.mediaConstraints.video = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] } } if (!connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional) { connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional = []; } var optional = [{ sourceId: lastVideoDevice.id }]; connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional = optional.concat(connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional); } }); } connection.sdpConstraints = { mandatory: { OfferToReceiveAudio: true, OfferToReceiveVideo: true }, optional: [{ VoiceActivityDetection: false }] }; connection.sdpSemantics = null; // "unified-plan" or "plan-b", ref: webrtc.org/web-apis/chrome/unified-plan/ connection.iceCandidatePoolSize = null; // 0 connection.bundlePolicy = null; // max-bundle connection.rtcpMuxPolicy = null; // "require" or "negotiate" connection.iceTransportPolicy = null; // "relay" or "all" connection.optionalArgument = { optional: [{ DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement: true }, { googImprovedWifiBwe: true }, { googScreencastMinBitrate: 300 }, { googIPv6: true }, { googDscp: true }, { googCpuUnderuseThreshold: 55 }, { googCpuOveruseThreshold: 85 }, { googSuspendBelowMinBitrate: true }, { googCpuOveruseDetection: true }], mandatory: {} }; connection.iceServers = IceServersHandler.getIceServers(connection); connection.candidates = { host: true, stun: true, turn: true }; connection.iceProtocols = { tcp: true, udp: true }; // EVENTs connection.onopen = function(event) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.info('Data connection has been opened between you & ', event.userid); } }; connection.onclose = function(event) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('Data connection has been closed between you & ', event.userid); } }; connection.onerror = function(error) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error(error.userid, 'data-error', error); } }; connection.onmessage = function(event) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.debug('data-message', event.userid, event.data); } }; connection.send = function(data, remoteUserId) { connection.peers.send(data, remoteUserId); }; connection.close = connection.disconnect = connection.leave = function() { connection.onbeforeunload(false, true); }; connection.closeEntireSession = function(callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; connection.socket.emit('close-entire-session', function looper() { if (connection.getAllParticipants().length) { setTimeout(looper, 100); return; } connection.onEntireSessionClosed({ sessionid: connection.sessionid, userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra }); connection.changeUserId(null, function() { connection.close(); callback(); }); }); }; connection.onEntireSessionClosed = function(event) { if (!connection.enableLogs) return; console.info('Entire session is closed: ', event.sessionid, event.extra); }; connection.onstream = function(e) { var parentNode = connection.videosContainer; parentNode.insertBefore(e.mediaElement, parentNode.firstChild); var played = e.mediaElement.play(); if (typeof played !== 'undefined') { played.catch(function() { /*** iOS 11 doesn't allow automatic play and rejects ***/ }).then(function() { setTimeout(function() { e.mediaElement.play(); }, 2000); }); return; } setTimeout(function() { e.mediaElement.play(); }, 2000); }; connection.onstreamended = function(e) { if (!e.mediaElement) { e.mediaElement = document.getElementById(e.streamid); } if (!e.mediaElement || !e.mediaElement.parentNode) { return; } e.mediaElement.parentNode.removeChild(e.mediaElement); }; connection.direction = 'many-to-many'; connection.removeStream = function(streamid, remoteUserId) { var stream; connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(localStream) { if (localStream.id === streamid) { stream = localStream; } }); if (!stream) { console.warn('No such stream exist.', streamid); return; } connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { if (remoteUserId && participant !== remoteUserId) { return; } var user = connection.peers[participant]; try { user.peer.removeStream(stream); } catch (e) {} }); connection.renegotiate(); }; connection.addStream = function(session, remoteUserId) { if (!!session.getTracks) { if (connection.attachStreams.indexOf(session) === -1) { if (!session.streamid) { session.streamid = session.id; } connection.attachStreams.push(session); } connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId); return; } if (isData(session)) { connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId); return; } if (session.audio || session.video || session.screen) { if (session.screen) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Edge') { navigator.getDisplayMedia({ video: true, audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection) }).then(function(screen) { screen.isScreen = true; mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen); if ((session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, function(stream) { gumCallback(stream); }); } else { gumCallback(screen); } }, function(error) { console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.'); }); } else { connection.invokeGetUserMedia({ audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection), video: true, isScreen: true }, function(stream) { if ((session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, function(stream) { gumCallback(stream); }); } else { gumCallback(stream); } }); } } else if (session.audio || session.video) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback); } } function gumCallback(stream) { if (session.streamCallback) { session.streamCallback(stream); } connection.renegotiate(remoteUserId); } }; connection.invokeGetUserMedia = function(localMediaConstraints, callback, session) { if (!session) { session = connection.session; } if (!localMediaConstraints) { localMediaConstraints = connection.mediaConstraints; } getUserMediaHandler({ onGettingLocalMedia: function(stream) { var videoConstraints = localMediaConstraints.video; if (videoConstraints) { if (videoConstraints.mediaSource || videoConstraints.mozMediaSource) { stream.isScreen = true; } else if (videoConstraints.mandatory && videoConstraints.mandatory.chromeMediaSource) { stream.isScreen = true; } } if (!stream.isScreen) { stream.isVideo = !!getTracks(stream, 'video').length; stream.isAudio = !stream.isVideo && getTracks(stream, 'audio').length; } mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(stream, function() { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(stream); } }); }, onLocalMediaError: function(error, constraints) { mPeer.onLocalMediaError(error, constraints); }, localMediaConstraints: localMediaConstraints || { audio: session.audio ? localMediaConstraints.audio : false, video: session.video ? localMediaConstraints.video : false } }); }; function applyConstraints(stream, mediaConstraints) { if (!stream) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error('No stream to applyConstraints.'); } return; } if (mediaConstraints.audio) { getTracks(stream, 'audio').forEach(function(track) { track.applyConstraints(mediaConstraints.audio); }); } if (mediaConstraints.video) { getTracks(stream, 'video').forEach(function(track) { track.applyConstraints(mediaConstraints.video); }); } } connection.applyConstraints = function(mediaConstraints, streamid) { if (!MediaStreamTrack || !MediaStreamTrack.prototype.applyConstraints) { alert('track.applyConstraints is NOT supported in your browser.'); return; } if (streamid) { var stream; if (connection.streamEvents[streamid]) { stream = connection.streamEvents[streamid].stream; } applyConstraints(stream, mediaConstraints); return; } connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(stream) { applyConstraints(stream, mediaConstraints); }); }; function replaceTrack(track, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack) { if (remoteUserId) { mPeer.replaceTrack(track, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack); return; } connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { mPeer.replaceTrack(track, participant, isVideoTrack); }); } connection.replaceTrack = function(session, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack) { session = session || {}; if (!RTCPeerConnection.prototype.getSenders) { connection.addStream(session); return; } if (session instanceof MediaStreamTrack) { replaceTrack(session, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack); return; } if (session instanceof MediaStream) { if (getTracks(session, 'video').length) { replaceTrack(getTracks(session, 'video')[0], remoteUserId, true); } if (getTracks(session, 'audio').length) { replaceTrack(getTracks(session, 'audio')[0], remoteUserId, false); } return; } if (isData(session)) { throw 'connection.replaceTrack requires audio and/or video and/or screen.'; return; } if (session.audio || session.video || session.screen) { if (session.screen) { if (DetectRTC.browser.name === 'Edge') { navigator.getDisplayMedia({ video: true, audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection) }).then(function(screen) { screen.isScreen = true; mPeer.onGettingLocalMedia(screen); if ((session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection)) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback); } else { gumCallback(screen); } }, function(error) { console.error('Unable to capture screen on Edge. HTTPs and version 17+ is required.'); }); } else { connection.invokeGetUserMedia({ audio: isAudioPlusTab(connection), video: true, isScreen: true }, (session.audio || session.video) && !isAudioPlusTab(connection) ? connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback) : gumCallback); } } else if (session.audio || session.video) { connection.invokeGetUserMedia(null, gumCallback); } } function gumCallback(stream) { connection.replaceTrack(stream, remoteUserId, isVideoTrack || session.video || session.screen); } }; connection.resetTrack = function(remoteUsersIds, isVideoTrack) { if (!remoteUsersIds) { remoteUsersIds = connection.getAllParticipants(); } if (typeof remoteUsersIds == 'string') { remoteUsersIds = [remoteUsersIds]; } remoteUsersIds.forEach(function(participant) { var peer = connection.peers[participant].peer; if ((typeof isVideoTrack === 'undefined' || isVideoTrack === true) && peer.lastVideoTrack) { connection.replaceTrack(peer.lastVideoTrack, participant, true); } if ((typeof isVideoTrack === 'undefined' || isVideoTrack === false) && peer.lastAudioTrack) { connection.replaceTrack(peer.lastAudioTrack, participant, false); } }); }; connection.renegotiate = function(remoteUserId) { if (remoteUserId) { mPeer.renegotiatePeer(remoteUserId); return; } connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { mPeer.renegotiatePeer(participant); }); }; connection.setStreamEndHandler = function(stream, isRemote) { if (!stream || !stream.addEventListener) return; isRemote = !!isRemote; if (stream.alreadySetEndHandler) { return; } stream.alreadySetEndHandler = true; var streamEndedEvent = 'ended'; if ('oninactive' in stream) { streamEndedEvent = 'inactive'; } stream.addEventListener(streamEndedEvent, function() { if (stream.idInstance) { currentUserMediaRequest.remove(stream.idInstance); } if (!isRemote) { // reset attachStreams var streams = []; connection.attachStreams.forEach(function(s) { if (s.id != stream.id) { streams.push(s); } }); connection.attachStreams = streams; } // connection.renegotiate(); var streamEvent = connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]; if (!streamEvent) { streamEvent = { stream: stream, streamid: stream.streamid, type: isRemote ? 'remote' : 'local', userid: connection.userid, extra: connection.extra, mediaElement: connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid] ? connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid].mediaElement : null }; } if (isRemote && connection.peers[streamEvent.userid]) { // reset remote "streams" var peer = connection.peers[streamEvent.userid].peer; var streams = []; peer.getRemoteStreams().forEach(function(s) { if (s.id != stream.id) { streams.push(s); } }); connection.peers[streamEvent.userid].streams = streams; } if (streamEvent.userid === connection.userid && streamEvent.type === 'remote') { return; } if (connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid]) { streamEvent.extra = connection.peersBackup[streamEvent.userid].extra; } connection.onstreamended(streamEvent); delete connection.streamEvents[stream.streamid]; }, false); }; connection.onMediaError = function(error, constraints) { if (!!connection.enableLogs) { console.error(error, constraints); } }; connection.autoCloseEntireSession = false; connection.filesContainer = connection.videosContainer = document.body || document.documentElement; connection.isInitiator = false; connection.shareFile = mPeer.shareFile; if (typeof FileProgressBarHandler !== 'undefined') { FileProgressBarHandler.handle(connection); } if (typeof TranslationHandler !== 'undefined') { TranslationHandler.handle(connection); } connection.token = getRandomString; connection.onNewParticipant = function(participantId, userPreferences) { connection.acceptParticipationRequest(participantId, userPreferences); }; connection.acceptParticipationRequest = function(participantId, userPreferences) { if (userPreferences.successCallback) { userPreferences.successCallback(); delete userPreferences.successCallback; } mPeer.createNewPeer(participantId, userPreferences); }; if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') { connection.StreamsHandler = StreamsHandler; } connection.onleave = function(userid) {}; connection.invokeSelectFileDialog = function(callback) { var selector = new FileSelector(); selector.accept = '*.*'; selector.selectSingleFile(callback); }; connection.onmute = function(e) { if (!e || !e.mediaElement) { return; } if (e.muteType === 'both' || e.muteType === 'video') { e.mediaElement.src = null; var paused = e.mediaElement.pause(); if (typeof paused !== 'undefined') { paused.then(function() { e.mediaElement.poster = e.snapshot || 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/images/muted.png'; }); } else { e.mediaElement.poster = e.snapshot || 'https://cdn.webrtc-experiment.com/images/muted.png'; } } else if (e.muteType === 'audio') { e.mediaElement.muted = true; } }; connection.onunmute = function(e) { if (!e || !e.mediaElement || !e.stream) { return; } if (e.unmuteType === 'both' || e.unmuteType === 'video') { e.mediaElement.poster = null; e.mediaElement.srcObject = e.stream; e.mediaElement.play(); } else if (e.unmuteType === 'audio') { e.mediaElement.muted = false; } }; connection.onExtraDataUpdated = function(event) { event.status = 'online'; connection.onUserStatusChanged(event, true); }; connection.getAllParticipants = function(sender) { return connection.peers.getAllParticipants(sender); }; if (typeof StreamsHandler !== 'undefined') { StreamsHandler.onSyncNeeded = function(streamid, action, type) { connection.peers.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participant) { mPeer.onNegotiationNeeded({ streamid: streamid, action: action, streamSyncNeeded: true, type: type || 'both' }, participant); }); }; } connection.connectSocket = function(callback) { connectSocket(callback); }; connection.closeSocket = function() { try { io.sockets = {}; } catch (e) {}; if (!connection.socket) return; if (typeof connection.socket.disconnect === 'function') { connection.socket.disconnect(); } if (typeof connection.socket.resetProps === 'function') { connection.socket.resetProps(); } connection.socket = null; }; connection.getSocket = function(callback) { if (!callback && connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('getSocket.callback paramter is required.'); } callback = callback || function() {}; if (!connection.socket) { connectSocket(function() { callback(connection.socket); }); } else { callback(connection.socket); } return connection.socket; // callback is preferred over return-statement }; connection.getRemoteStreams = mPeer.getRemoteStreams; var skipStreams = ['selectFirst', 'selectAll', 'forEach']; connection.streamEvents = { selectFirst: function(options) { return connection.streamEvents.selectAll(options)[0]; }, selectAll: function(options) { if (!options) { // default will always be all streams options = { local: true, remote: true, isScreen: true, isAudio: true, isVideo: true }; } if (options == 'local') { options = { local: true }; } if (options == 'remote') { options = { remote: true }; } if (options == 'screen') { options = { isScreen: true }; } if (options == 'audio') { options = { isAudio: true }; } if (options == 'video') { options = { isVideo: true }; } var streams = []; Object.keys(connection.streamEvents).forEach(function(key) { var event = connection.streamEvents[key]; if (skipStreams.indexOf(key) !== -1) return; var ignore = true; if (options.local && event.type === 'local') { ignore = false; } if (options.remote && event.type === 'remote') { ignore = false; } if (options.isScreen && event.stream.isScreen) { ignore = false; } if (options.isVideo && event.stream.isVideo) { ignore = false; } if (options.isAudio && event.stream.isAudio) { ignore = false; } if (options.userid && event.userid === options.userid) { ignore = false; } if (ignore === false) { streams.push(event); } }); return streams; } }; connection.socketURL = '/'; // generated via config.json connection.socketMessageEvent = 'RTCMultiConnection-Message'; // generated via config.json connection.socketCustomEvent = 'RTCMultiConnection-Custom-Message'; // generated via config.json connection.DetectRTC = DetectRTC; connection.setCustomSocketEvent = function(customEvent) { if (customEvent) { connection.socketCustomEvent = customEvent; } if (!connection.socket) { return; } connection.socket.emit('set-custom-socket-event-listener', connection.socketCustomEvent); }; connection.getNumberOfBroadcastViewers = function(broadcastId, callback) { if (!connection.socket || !broadcastId || !callback) return; connection.socket.emit('get-number-of-users-in-specific-broadcast', broadcastId, callback); }; connection.onNumberOfBroadcastViewersUpdated = function(event) { if (!connection.enableLogs || !connection.isInitiator) return; console.info('Number of broadcast (', event.broadcastId, ') viewers', event.numberOfBroadcastViewers); }; connection.onUserStatusChanged = function(event, dontWriteLogs) { if (!!connection.enableLogs && !dontWriteLogs) { console.info(event.userid, event.status); } }; connection.getUserMediaHandler = getUserMediaHandler; connection.multiPeersHandler = mPeer; connection.enableLogs = true; connection.setCustomSocketHandler = function(customSocketHandler) { if (typeof SocketConnection !== 'undefined') { SocketConnection = customSocketHandler; } }; // default value should be 15k because [old]Firefox's receiving limit is 16k! // however 64k works chrome-to-chrome connection.chunkSize = 40 * 1000; connection.maxParticipantsAllowed = 1000; // eject or leave single user connection.disconnectWith = mPeer.disconnectWith; // check if room exist on server // we will pass roomid to the server and wait for callback (i.e. server's response) connection.checkPresence = function(roomid, callback) { roomid = roomid || connection.sessionid; if (SocketConnection.name === 'SSEConnection') { SSEConnection.checkPresence(roomid, function(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra) { if (!connection.socket) { if (!isRoomExist) { connection.userid = _roomid; } connection.connectSocket(function() { callback(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra); }); return; } callback(isRoomExist, _roomid); }); return; } if (!connection.socket) { connection.connectSocket(function() { connection.checkPresence(roomid, callback); }); return; } connection.socket.emit('check-presence', roomid + '', function(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.log('checkPresence.isRoomExist: ', isRoomExist, ' roomid: ', _roomid); } callback(isRoomExist, _roomid, extra); }); }; connection.onReadyForOffer = function(remoteUserId, userPreferences) { connection.multiPeersHandler.createNewPeer(remoteUserId, userPreferences); }; connection.setUserPreferences = function(userPreferences) { if (connection.dontAttachStream) { userPreferences.dontAttachLocalStream = true; } if (connection.dontGetRemoteStream) { userPreferences.dontGetRemoteStream = true; } return userPreferences; }; connection.updateExtraData = function() { connection.socket.emit('extra-data-updated', connection.extra); }; connection.enableScalableBroadcast = false; connection.maxRelayLimitPerUser = 3; // each broadcast should serve only 3 users connection.dontCaptureUserMedia = false; connection.dontAttachStream = false; connection.dontGetRemoteStream = false; connection.onReConnecting = function(event) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.info('ReConnecting with', event.userid, '...'); } }; connection.beforeAddingStream = function(stream) { return stream; }; connection.beforeRemovingStream = function(stream) { return stream; }; if (typeof isChromeExtensionAvailable !== 'undefined') { connection.checkIfChromeExtensionAvailable = isChromeExtensionAvailable; } if (typeof isFirefoxExtensionAvailable !== 'undefined') { connection.checkIfChromeExtensionAvailable = isFirefoxExtensionAvailable; } if (typeof getChromeExtensionStatus !== 'undefined') { connection.getChromeExtensionStatus = getChromeExtensionStatus; } connection.modifyScreenConstraints = function(screen_constraints) { return screen_constraints; }; connection.onPeerStateChanged = function(state) { if (connection.enableLogs) { if (state.iceConnectionState.search(/closed|failed/gi) !== -1) { console.error('Peer connection is closed between you & ', state.userid, state.extra, 'state:', state.iceConnectionState); } } }; connection.isOnline = true; listenEventHandler('online', function() { connection.isOnline = true; }); listenEventHandler('offline', function() { connection.isOnline = false; }); connection.isLowBandwidth = false; if (navigator && navigator.connection && navigator.connection.type) { connection.isLowBandwidth = navigator.connection.type.toString().toLowerCase().search(/wifi|cell/g) !== -1; if (connection.isLowBandwidth) { connection.bandwidth = { audio: false, video: false, screen: false }; if (connection.mediaConstraints.audio && connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional && connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional.length) { var newArray = []; connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional.forEach(function(opt) { if (typeof opt.bandwidth === 'undefined') { newArray.push(opt); } }); connection.mediaConstraints.audio.optional = newArray; } if (connection.mediaConstraints.video && connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional && connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional.length) { var newArray = []; connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional.forEach(function(opt) { if (typeof opt.bandwidth === 'undefined') { newArray.push(opt); } }); connection.mediaConstraints.video.optional = newArray; } } } connection.getExtraData = function(remoteUserId, callback) { if (!remoteUserId) throw 'remoteUserId is required.'; if (typeof callback === 'function') { connection.socket.emit('get-remote-user-extra-data', remoteUserId, function(extra, remoteUserId, error) { callback(extra, remoteUserId, error); }); return; } if (!connection.peers[remoteUserId]) { if (connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId]) { return connection.peersBackup[remoteUserId].extra; } return {}; } return connection.peers[remoteUserId].extra; }; if (!!forceOptions.autoOpenOrJoin) { connection.openOrJoin(connection.sessionid); } connection.onUserIdAlreadyTaken = function(useridAlreadyTaken, yourNewUserId) { // via #683 connection.close(); connection.closeSocket(); connection.isInitiator = false; connection.userid = connection.token(); connection.join(connection.sessionid); if (connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('Userid already taken.', useridAlreadyTaken, 'Your new userid:', connection.userid); } }; connection.trickleIce = true; connection.version = '3.6.9'; connection.onSettingLocalDescription = function(event) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.info('Set local description for remote user', event.userid); } }; connection.resetScreen = function() { sourceId = null; if (DetectRTC && DetectRTC.screen) { delete DetectRTC.screen.sourceId; } currentUserMediaRequest = { streams: [], mutex: false, queueRequests: [] }; }; // if disabled, "event.mediaElement" for "onstream" will be NULL connection.autoCreateMediaElement = true; // set password connection.password = null; // set password connection.setPassword = function(password, callback) { callback = callback || function() {}; if (connection.socket) { connection.socket.emit('set-password', password, callback); } else { connection.password = password; callback(true, connection.sessionid, null); } }; connection.onSocketDisconnect = function(event) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('socket.io connection is closed'); } }; connection.onSocketError = function(event) { if (connection.enableLogs) { console.warn('socket.io connection is failed'); } }; // error messages connection.errors = { ROOM_NOT_AVAILABLE: 'Room not available', INVALID_PASSWORD: 'Invalid password', USERID_NOT_AVAILABLE: 'User ID does not exist', ROOM_PERMISSION_DENIED: 'Room permission denied', ROOM_FULL: 'Room full', DID_NOT_JOIN_ANY_ROOM: 'Did not join any room yet', INVALID_SOCKET: 'Invalid socket', PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_MISSING: 'publicRoomIdentifier is required', INVALID_ADMIN_CREDENTIAL: 'Invalid username or password attempted' }; })(this); }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined' /* && !!module.exports*/ ) { module.exports = exports = RTCMultiConnection; } if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('RTCMultiConnection', [], function() { return RTCMultiConnection; }); }